Friday, June 29, 2012

Jeff Clemens a lousy driver?

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Palm Beach County has asked for the suspension of candidate for Florida Senate Jeff Clemens' driver's license. Clemens says his driving record shouldn't be an issue in this race.



Anonymous said...

Hey, I always knew Clemens was a lying, selfish, hypocritical, two-faced “professional politician” –he did terrible things in LW, then smiled & bragged that it was “all good.” But I used to think he was clever. Now it’s proven he’s a self-absorbed, delusional idiot!

County records prove it: he’s a long-time, multiple law-breaker, who thinks he’s above the law. He sponsors “feel good” bills as State Rep, then lives in opposition of what they stand for. When caught in the act, he’s so stupid, he doesn’t pay his fines on time!

You gotta read the article. Highlights (proven by county records):

* June 13 2012: request to suspend Clemens’ driver’s license went out to state authorities
-- he failed to pay for his second seat belt citation in 6 months
* 3 times in 5 years PB Co asked for a non payment-related suspension of his driver’s license
Clemens Record since 2004:
* Ticketed for not wearing his seat belt - 4 times
* Ticketed for not having proof of insurance - 2 times
* Found guilty of cutting across roadways to avoid a traffic light - 2 times
* Ticketed for: driving in high occupancy lanes alone
* Ticketed for: Speeding in a work zone
* Ticketed for: Tail-gating
* Records show he paid late fees on tickets 5 times
Meanwhile as our State Rep:
- pushed for legislation for better restraints for children in cars
- member of the State House’s Highway Safety Subcommittee

“My driving record shouldn’t be an issue in this race,” Clemens said.

(Yes, the issue is he's a lousy politician who needs to be stopped from moving up the political ladder at our expense.)

Clemens is opposed for DISTRICT 27 Senate seat by fellow Democrat & State Rep Mack Bernard.

AUGUST 14: Vote MACK BERNARD - State Senate District 27

Anonymous said...

He is a lousy driver, and does not follow the rules, I think his name should be pulled from the election.

Anonymous said...

Jeff is right...his driving record shouldn't be an issue.... but since he really hasn't DONE anything... it's a big issue especially since you're on the Highway SAFETY Subcommittee... Glad you can still sing, as I won't be voting for you. Did you get your prescription for pot yet ?