Monday, June 4, 2012

Cubans in Custody

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5 Cubans in custody after coming ashore. We need to eliminate the Wet Foot/Dry Foot policy.


Anonymous said...

I am sure if you were trying to get away from Castro you would not be saying that

Lynn Anderson said...

No doubt.
The idea behind the “wet-foot, dry-foot policy” was to prevent a mass exodus of refugees such as the Mariel boat lift in 1980 when some 125,000 Cuban refugees sailed to South Florida. Were you around then? It was one gigantic mess.

If you listen to Michael Moore, Cubans love being in Cuba. :)

Anonymous said...

I am sure many Cubans are happy there and do not want to come here to the USA, I have seen many Cuban movies that have shown this. Even when you see movies of Castro when he came to power, he had good intentions originally, but the power went to his head. Parts of Communism are actually good, it is fair for all people, the rich help the poor, etc. it all balances out, that was God's plan for all of us anyway, to serve others while hear on earth. Man created all these different countries anyway, God didn't, it might be easier for all of us if we had no borders and all lived under God's law not humans, Castro and even the USA have enslaved many people, that is why people want to leave. It would be a lot easier in this world if we could all be like birds or fish or other animals who didn't need visas and passports to move around. Humans make too many laws that limit themselves and then it all leads to more and more division.