Thursday, June 7, 2012

Agenda 21

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I was thinking about Suzanne Squire--that I hadn't seen her lately--and then she commented on a blog here. She is passionate about Agenda 21 and it sure sounds scary. She, along with many informed people on this subject, believe that the UN is ruthlessly advancing a new plan that will make America a HOSTAGE to the United Nations among other things. Some feel that we are all being lead down the garden path when we talk about sustainable and walk-about cities.
It has been said that UN Agenda 21 could...
  • Wipe private property off the face of the earth.
  • Force you and your family to live in a multi-family energy efficient mega-complex.
  • Confiscate private farms and farmland.
  • Snatch away private landholdings.
  • Ban individual ownership of cars.
Here's how the UN describes it:
"Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level."
Go to the AmeriPac web site and learn more.


Anonymous said...

Some of this does sound scary, I wonder how close it is to how the native American Indians lived and their philosophy? We all do need to do more to be kinder to our mother earth.

Anonymous said...

God lynn. Sometimes you make me laugh. I went to that website link . . . there was nothing informative there. Only conservative propaganda and some handy icons for your blog.

Instead of parroting a bunch of nut-job chuckle-heads, can you please provide any sort of legitimate support for your assertion that the UN is going to steal my car and home from me? I'm willing to click on a link and read, but not about how poor Fox News is being victimized by the liberal media and let's fire Obama.

Are there any documents you can point us to, or any factual information (please, not right-wing talking points, just some facts) that might be unbiased?

Otherwise, I will continue to support conservation and sustainable practices to prolong the life of the planet I live on and that millions who come behind me will be left with.


Anonymous said...

I've heard her speak on this issue too, and in my opinion, she has lost her mind and needs to be committed. The UN's description doesn't sound anything like she's describing. What's wrong with "demanding that concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into ... decision-making at every level." God, haven't we destroyed enough of the earth to realize we need to conserve?!? I mean, there is almost no respect for our natural environment, but god forbid a stale, uninspiring teacher doesn't get tenture and the whole nation is in an uproar. Her generation is so focused on "having the retirement they deserve" having big house, 2 cars, 2 car garage, green grass, cut down all the native vegetation for palm trees because every girl from NJ dreams of palm trees. Let's get over suburbia. Although it sounds like a lofty goal, the UN can't even keep the EU together, much less corral the entire world into government housing.

Sorry Suzanne, but you've lost your marbles. Or, maybe she's just a visionary. Well, the two aren't much different. Every visionary is a bit crazy.

Anonymous said...

Also go here to learn more

A few Highlights:

Myth: Agenda 21 would supercede the domestic laws of the United States and other sovereign nations.

Fact: As a non-binding agreement, Agenda 21 does not take supremacy over U.S. law. National governments are ultimately in charge of their own development, and neither the UN nor any other international organization has the right to encroach on the sovereignty of any country in the implementation of Agenda 21. This is once again confirmed by Tariq Banuri, who stated in an interview that “The basis of the international system is that all countries pursue whatever is in their national interest. A founding pillar of sustainable development is national sovereignty over natural resources.”

Myth: Agenda 21 is an amalgamation of socialism and extreme environmentalism with strong anti-American and anti-capitalist overtones.

Fact: Agenda 21 provides a blueprint for sustainable development—development that simultaneously promotes economic growth, improved quality of life, and environmental protection. Agenda 21 was adopted unanimously by all 178 countries that participated in the 1992 Rio Conference. U.S. President George H.W. Bush was among the 108 world leaders present at the conference when the document was adopted.

Myth: The UN is bypassing national governments, using the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) “to make agreements directly with local governments” on implementing Agenda 21.

Fact: It says nothing of the sort. Agenda 21 does not call for the confiscation or appropriation of land or property anywhere, in any country. It is fully consistent with personal freedoms and the right of citizens to own property, homes, cars and farms.

Myth: Agenda 21 calls for the elimination of private property ownership, single-family homes, private car ownership and individual travel choices, as well as family farms.

Fact: Many municipalities and cities around the world have found that Agenda 21 is a very good guide for their own urban planning efforts and have joined an international group—ICLEI—to help implement some of its recommendations. ICLEI is not part of the UN. Many cities and towns throughout the U.S. belong to ICLEI, but their participation is not linked to any UN mandate.

Lynn Anderson said...

God, anonymous--I am not saying that I agree with this. I am posting it for information as so many people have asked me about it--what does it mean, etc. I had no idea really.

So laugh all that you want. There are many people who believe this. And they are all entitled to a little respect unless they are advocating overthrowing our government, are terrorists, criminals and you know the type.

Lynn Anderson said...

On a further note--I recently blogged on the Law of the Sea Treaty-

"Proposed regulations in the new Law of the Sea Treaty will require private companies that want to conduct exploration and mining operations in international waters to submit substantial application fees to the UN's International Seabed Authority (ISA), which in turn would allow the ISA to use these application fees to partially pay for its own mining efforts through its own mining subsidy, called the Enterprise. Corporations from member nations operating in international waters would have to pay annual fees and even be taxed to pay a percentage of their profits to the ISA. These corporations would also be expected to share their mining and navigational technology with third world countries to ensure that opportunities aren't restricted to more technologically advanced. This is insane. The decision to grant or to withhold mining permits in international waters would now be decided by unelected, globalist bureaucrats at the United Nation's International Seabed Authority (ISA).

The Treaty would essentially give the United Nations, a notoriously corrupt, anti-American, anti-capitalist and un-democratic organization, the power to assert control over 70% of the earth's surface."

Lynn Anderson said...

Read about the above here:

Weetha Peebull said...

Thanks Lynn for posting this!
I appreciate all the comments here!

I am also out of town this weekend and have limited computer time to respond here.

I have been away from meetings because I am working on a more understandable/visual time line presentation for Ag 21. (The Mayor said ON HER RADIO SHOW she'd give me 10 minutes to present the 'other side'. Call her and ask to hear me on the 19th BEFORE the Comp plan 1st Reading.)

Visionary or Lunacy - let me have my shot before ya shoot me down!

FYI: Jay Leno just mentioned VMT-Vehicle Miles Traveled and a NEW Revenue Generator for Government. (He suggested we use the same system to track every dollar we send to the Gov!) They won't tell you they want you out of your car but if they make it SOOOOOOOOOOO expensive you can't afford to drive - the same goal is achieved! I have Florida's "VMT" Plan from 2009! What about those security camera's at the traffic lights. They are NOT on Your Plate but Your FACE or SUNPASS...possibly? And what are those new camera like things on 1-95 that look like they are aimed at your sunpass? VMT Prep!

Again, thanks Lynn!