the one who attacked Scott Maxwell on the day
he was sworn in calling him a "racist."
I didn't confront anyone today to ask why they were there. Most of those attending only know that they are suffering in one way shape or form and need to lash out at something or someone as the cause of their problems. It's easier that way. Some are scared because Democrats have lied to them saying Republicans want to take away their social security. Some are pissed that they can't find a job close to home. These are real worries. Some are actually Socialists and anarchists hell bent on destroying our way of life and now have found a common thread to fool the middle class to join their action.
Some of the complaints are legitimate; some are not. One lady came up to me, got in my face and asked, "Are you one of the 1% that wants to have it all?" She must have seen the look on my face, one of amusement, understanding and disgust all rolled in to one. As we have armed forces in 150 locations throughout the globe and Obama just sent troops to Africa, let's confront the real causes of our problems here--the trillions in expense to have a global presence, humongous debt that has collapsed our economy, allowing corporate loopholes to hide income, allowing off-shoring of jobs instead of giving corporations tax breaks in order to keep our manufacturing and other jobs here and the devaluation of our dollar.
In 2010, the International Monetary Fund and World Bank conducted studies of the effects of the global recession — caused largely by Wall Street financial instruments that were poorly regulated by government policies — and found that the recession threw 64 million people into extreme poverty.
Public corporations are owned by you and me. Business or free enterprise is what made this country and created the greatest country on Earth. It is too bad that a big percentage of people here believe that the country owes them a living that includes free or inexpensive health care, to retirement for life paid by the majority of working class folks that do not get a retirement; to affordable or free housing and people who believe that walking away from mortgage and credit card commitments is moral and just while the rest of us slobs end up paying higher prices to make up for it all.
Today, the anarchists, one of whom was Cara Jennings, had a prepared script that was recited and she had the crowd recite it back. The only thing missing was the left winged Socialist salute, Sieg heil which means "we will win." I was expecting some sort of a song next in solidarity.
In the meantime, patriot Col. Allen West was working and volunteering his time to help rehab a house today at 6101 Garden Ave in West Palm Beach.
As West puts it, “America is about the individual and not about a collective. We are not The Borg’ of Star Trek."
I truly believe President Barack Obama does not comprehend American exceptionalism. He does not fathom that in America the station of your birth does not determine the station of your outcome. America is not about class or caste, it is about rewarding individuals for their drive and determination, for their hard work and ideas.
America is about the individual and not about a collective. We are not like “The Borg” of Star Trek.
Liberal progressives do not want to unleash our individual strength, they prefer to foment collective divisiveness, which is exactly what this “Occupy Wall Street” movement is about.

All this talk of the evils of corporations may be alittle misguided. Even commissioner golden condemed corporations at the forum last Monday.What is not considered is that the City of Lake Worth is a corporation and we are people. Every neighborhood association is a corporation and they are people. Goldens' family business is a corporation and they are people. Most small business in the city are incorporated and they are people.
"Let's confront the real causes of our problems here--the trillions in expense to have a global presence, humongous debt that has collapsed our economy, allowing corporate loopholes to hide income, allowing off-shoring of jobs instead of giving corporations tax breaks in order to keep our manufacturing and other jobs here and the devaluation of our dollar. We have to look to the government as the problem."
Absolutely, hold our government and the elected accountable!
Well said Jean.
A great community and a great country is made up of neighbors helping neighbors. Go West!
Thanks to Robert Waples who took this photo while he was on the roof of this house.
Any truth to the rumor that at least when Ana Rodriguez tried to physically attack Commissioner Maxwell, that she didn't or doesn't even live in Lake Worth?
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