"What's the price of democracy?"
~Rene Varela
In this case, the cost of Varela's democracy will cost the residents of Lake Worth $20 to $25 thousand dollars. To steal Mary Lindsey's quote, although on a different subject, "I think I want to throw-up." Her words describe how I feel on Varela's act.
Varela's decision had nothing to do with "democracy." This was all a political move to block any appointment by the city commission to fulfill the mayoral seat. By the time we have this election, that person will only be in the chair for a maximum of 4 months. This has nothing to do with the Budget cycle as Tom Ramiccio continues to say. Is he going to know more about the Budget than does our Finance Director? He is only one vote.
Varela is still in the city through Monday but did not have the courtesy of attending the city commission meeting this past Tuesday, the day he sent a last minute letter of resignation to the Commission. He should have had the political courage to explain himself in person, but instead, took the cowardly way out.
I'm sure it's just me.... but you sure seem to be having your own hissy fit because "your" candidate would have been appointed by the BCE with three votes.
If indeed your candidate applies for and wins this hastily called special election, specifically called for by our Charter and forced by a politically astute Mayor, I would have to agree it was a waste of money and she would surely win in the general election.
If, on the other hand, TR is again elected, the voters would have had their say.
I will be having a very hard time choosing between those two if it comes down to that.
Well, what it IS, is your side of politics having the audacity to throw up the Charter and making the taxpayers of this city pay this money for a stupid reason and a gutless wonder.
Just who IS my candidate? Please tell me since you seem to know. You jump to conclusions that are only apparent in your own mind. And that is why I have a lot of problems with some in this city.
When it comes down to it, the job of Mayor is ceremonial in nature. He has one vote just like everyone else on the commission. For Rene to say this is "democracy" is bull shit. AN YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS KNOW IT.
Varela pulled a fast one. This is so his pal Ramissio can get into office.
Rammiccio will never get elected in Lake Worth.
How many years did we have to pay for run off elections because your side keeps putting up candidates for the sole purpose of forcing runoffs? How much has that cost us?
Varela was pretty honest. He said he resigned so there would have to be an election, it's fair to the city and he wanted to be with his wife.
Let's look at Mulvehill who walked away from her home and left it to foreclosure then accused Varela of fiscally responsibility, or Mcvoy the brilliant thinker who said out loud "why don't we just ignore his resignation until the deadline passes", HUH? They have zero creditability and THESE are the people you want appointing the next mayor without an election?
No thanks
There you go again, as Ronald Reagan would say. "My side?" I happen to like people who I consider as honest. I don't care what his politics is as long as he is for the betterment of Lake Worth and not some self-serving jerk.
Also, I don't recall in the last election more than two running in each district. So, if there are more than two forcing run-offs, tell "your side" not to run. :)
And to reply to your McVoy comment about not accepting Varela's resignation, I think that is a great idea. The Commission just doesn't accept it until May 9. Have you always known Elaine Humphrey's to be always correct? It doesn't matter. It would mean that the Commission took a stand on the crap he pulled.
Lynn face it. You wanted Cara to get appointed by the 3 stooges. Be honest. Now she'll have to run according to the RULES! If Cara does win our city is doomed. I hope you'll be happy.
Now why would Cara sitting up there make me happy? I doubt if she will run or if she would have been appointed. You seem to know it all though.
Enough of this argument. You have the last word but post under your complete name, if you dare. Otherwise, NO credibility.
The mayor did a terrible thing. He misused the trust of the people here.
Just something for thought and yes very expected.....
Folks, the "milk has been spilt" the "Cat is out of the bag" and yes I could go on however, the fact of the matter is (yes one more) "the cards have been delt" (sorry I'm southern this is how we speak)
Bottom line folks is the move has been made and instead of re-hashing what was done we should be focused on what is to come.....
You know me from a walk in the park, a person on the streets, a neighbor across town or even a person at the podium but regardless of who anyone might be or if you have a "side" I'm the person that is in the middle and believe in someone who will get the job done.
Regardless of what side they might be on.
Where have we been? Who has taken us there? and where are we at today? Do you really want anyone from the past to lead us forward? Only you as an individual can decide but I pose one question...
How many times does History have to repeat itself in this town before everyone gets a clue and realize that politics are not nice and this town is no exception.
Its time to put BAD politics on both sides to bed and come up with a consensus that new people are needed to lead us into the future.
We can have green, growth and a prosperous town if we just focus and get the job done with out all the darn crap....(opps I sad a dirty word "darn") :-)(Crap = bad politics)
Everyone thought Rene was a decent sort too. How do you ever know? Only a small group demonstrated against him for moral reasons. We should never forget these bums and we should always be there to remind them. Don't let them sleep. We stepped back from the Dolphin dealing when those in the business told us to always remind him. We didn't. We got punked.
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