Last night Suzanne Mulvehill was voted in as Vice Mayor and Jo-Ann Golden as Vice Mayor Pro-Tem.
Metropolitan Planning Organization -- Rene Varela
PB County League of Cities -- Scott Maxwell
Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council -- Jo-Ann Golden

Greater Lake Worth Chamber of Commerce -- Suzanne Mulvehill (What a bitter sweet liaison to have considering the Chamber was against her re-election by allowing a billboard across from the Chamber at the Cultural Plaza)
FMPA -- Christopher McVoy
IPARC Issue Forum -- Jo-Ann Golden
Downtown Cultural Alliance -- Jo-Ann Golden
The Mayor addressed the Consent Agenda issue. He said that the Public still does not get to speak on those items that are pulled off Consent for Discussion, further stating that this procedure was correct according to Robert's Rules. Mayor Varela said that someone borrowed his Robert's Rules of Order and has not returned it. He needs to get his book back as soon as possible so that he can quote the section in it that supports his statement. Once an item is OFF Consent, it is no longer ON Consent. It is open to discussion and comments from the Public.
Realizing that city governments have no patience with the public when it comes to them expressing their points of view or on how they spend our money, we need to be up on the issues and keep them in check. Two minutes to speak during Public commentary is often insufficient time when there are many points you want to convey. Even the Mayor got annoyed with the City Manager who implied that he was not conducting his meeting properly when it came to the "angry" public. She wants more decorum from the public and said that it was the "tone of voice" not the subject matter. It is a free speech issue but "tone" can be challenged. As Commissioner Maxwell said, "it is subjective."
Because The Chamber of Commerce supported candidates and opposed a state-wide issue in the last election, I spoke to the subject last night asking for a complete cut-off of any city funding, whether cash, grants or use of city property or services to the Chamber of Commerce. I also mentioned the Chamber Director's illegal political sign that was installed subsequent to the election that is in front of the Chamber. Assuring us that the Chamber is not political, Beth Johnston, the Director, gave a presentation prior to public speaking and had the gall to say that she was all for enforcing our Sign Ordinances. Me too, Beth, and that is why I just turned you into Code Enforcement this morning. Our Commission had no cojones by ignoring the fact that Beth Johnston has broken our Sign Ordinance and that she had a hell of a nerve to do what she did during this past election. No more public give-aways to the Chamber. If our Commission won't take action, I will.
One thing that the Commission will take action on is drafting a Resolution that will disallow any entity, whether leasing a city building or not, from engaging in politics if it accepts any money or in-kind services from the City such as what the organization, For The Children, did in this last election when it involved itself in the Carla Blockson campaign. The entire Commission agreed that a Resolution was appropriate and this will be brought back in two weeks. It will include any organization that the City supports whether it is financially or it is In-Kind services. Scott Maxwell asked if any entity had ever done this before (not to my knowledge) and why was it being brought up now. Two wrongs don't make a right, Commissioner.
One point that I didn't get to last night was the promise that the Mayor made during his campaign of getting a Forensic Audit of the Utility. Barbara Jean spoke to that issue during public commentary. As the Chamber was packed with residents dragged down to City Hall by the Genesis NA President to talk about their exorbitant utility bills, it would be appropriate to get an Audit. There was one gentleman there from Palm Springs who was very agitated. It was highly suggested by the Commission that these people get a free energy audit to see what is going on. The Utility has always been our "black hole," as Katie McGiveron describes it. The Mayor gave some song and dance about getting the State Auditor General to conduct an audit but it takes years for action. Let's just hire an Auditor, Mayor.
Commissioner Scott Maxwell gave some numbers that were erroneous according to the City Manager as to how much money is being taken from the utility and used in the General Fund. She is coming back in two weeks with a complete report. Let's put this to bed once and for all as so many lies were spread during this last election and this surely will be an election campaign issue for 2011.
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