Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Football - Top Play-Off Performers
Class 6A-5A-4A
TYLER BUTLER, Seminole Ridge: Had 17 carries for 66 yards and a touchdown in a 23-20 win against Atlantic.
MATTHEW PLUNKETT, Lake Worth: Had eight carries for 74 yards and a touchdown in 55-27 loss to Bayside.
TEVIN SPELLS, Atlantic: Had 15 rushes for 159 yards in 23-20 loss to Seminole Ridge.
TREVOR VANSCOY, Seminole Ridge: Had four carries for 64 yards including a 59-yard run to set up a winning field goal in a 23-20 victory over Atlantic.
EVAN MOORE, Lake Worth: Completed 10 of 18 passes for 217 yards and three touchdowns in 55-27 loss to Bayside.
BERNARD DAVIS, Lake Worth: Had two receptions for 64 yards and a touchdown in 55-27 loss to Bayside.
JERRY MICHEL, Lake Worth: Had two receptions for 69 yards and a touchdown in 55-27 loss to Bayside.
Defense/Special Teams
OMAR PIERRE-LOUIS, Seminole Ridge: Returned an interception 23 yards for a touchdown in a 23-20 win against Atlantic.
Special City Commission meeting tonight at 6pm
This was amended on September 29, 2010 on a 4/1 vote with Scott Maxwell dissenting. The new Plan was changing the multiplier among other things and was to take effect on December 1.
From information on the City's web page, these are the two listed Employee not know if there is any relevance.
2011 PEU Contract
2011 PMSA Contract
Public Employees Scope of Bargaining
What's with Mark Alan Siegel?

Several years ago when Rene Varela was running for the first time for Commissioner District 4 and was a member of the Lake Worth Democratic Club, many of the Officers and Directors did not support him but instead campaigned for and gave money to Dave Vespo, a Republican.
I have talked about this on several occasions and continue to bring it up because of its seriousness and significance. The Loyalty Oath of the LW Democratic Club and in PB County absolutely forbids supporting anyone other than a Democrat even in a non-partisan election if you are an officer or director. Mr. Siegel agreed with my complaint and sent out an e-mail confirming the rule. However, he never took a formal stand with the DEC on the issue. I resigned from the Club and condemned him for his non-action.
Now, Mr. Siegel has suspended two loyal Democrats and Zone Leaders, Nate and Harriet Smith, because they turned their chairs around at a recent meeting where Burt Aaronson was speaking.

What about the First Amendment Mark? What about the double standard? What about the rules? Who in the heck are you to decide what is or isn't rude? My hat's off to Mr. & Mrs. Smith.
A few days ago Mr. Siegel gave up his pursuit of Chair of the Democratic Party Florida. This is a decision I can support.
Wikileaks, Criminal or Hero?
"The cables show the extent of US spying on its allies and the UN; turning a blind eye to corruption and human rights abuse in "client states;" backroom deals with supposedly neutral countries; lobbying for US corporations; and the measures US diplomats take to advance those who have access to them."
Bill O'Reilly said last night, "Those who leak to the 'despicable' web site are 'traitors' who should be executed."Was Assange wrong to reprint stolen and highly sensitive documents that will jeopardize allies and U.S. spies across the globe or is this his right? Let us know what you think by taking the Poll.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Campaign Contributions and Special Interests

A year or so ago I did a blog on What Special Interest are and are not.
Special interests are not individual people as Wes is suggesting. Some of the tenants at the Casino contributed to Commissioner Suzanne Mulvehill's campaign. Why not? She is the one who has always advocated "for" the casino. These tenants will have a chance to lease there like any other prospective tenant. Should these tenants have contributed to her opponent's campaign, someone totally confused about our budget and the casino or should they contribute to a candidate that has their interests in mind? Isn't that why you vote for someone?
Her opponent accepted contributions from Sun Recycling Company, a company that dumped all sorts of junk on our 65 acre landfill causing health problems to the surrounding residents but I guess that's ok.
Is Wes suggesting that a candidate not receive contributions from friends? Should we now be worried why Mary Ann Webber gave to Carla Blockson? Or Shanon Materio? Or, or, or.......................?
19 year old Arrested
Young adult attending Palm Beach State College is getting an extensive education--burglarizing homes.
Crime at recording studio at 604 N. G street solved.
Pay Freeze for Federal Workers
Go to The Washington Post for more information.
Ok, Lake Worth Unions--are you listening?
Lake Worth, Florida

Unemployment Nation-wide: 9.6
Florida: 11.9
Palm Beach County: 11.7
Lake Worth: 10.2
Stats continue to change as I write. These are from October.
According to Sperling's Best Places, Lake Worth's cost of living is 19.40% lower than the U.S. average and the unemployment rate in Lake Worth is 10.20 percent. Recent job growth is Negative but that is pretty much the case across the country. Lake Worth jobs have decreased by 5.18 percent. Good news--less and less illegals hanging about taking U.S. citizen's jobs and The Resource Center will be CLOSED by January 1.
The BAC PAC and a certain Commissioner complains about this City and its government being the reason that we have high utility rates without telling you that we are paying for a Reverse Osmosis System and improving infrastructure. They continue to use high utility bills as a trumped up reason why businesses are not moving here. Tell them they are full of it. Businesses are moving here in spite of the high rents.

We had constant complaints about the high cost of Utilities from this political action committee headed by Shanon Materio during the campaign. All it did was complain and gave NO solutions other than to vote in their candidates who also had NO solutions. Commissioner Maxwell even had three town meetings on the subject in order to get people riled up and mad. He also had NO solutions.
The handwriting is on the wall for Election 2011--high utility bills will be the buzz line. The Mayor says more needs to be done to lower utility bills. He's also up for re-election. The fact is, residential rates fall right in the middle of all rates State wide, a pretty good place to be. Agreed, commercial rates are the highest. In order to bring commercial rates down, services will have to be cut and jobs eliminated or...taxes will have to be raised to the max. Perhaps the Unions can go away or the Mayor and Commissioner Maxwell can come up with some viable ideas to soothe all these complainers.
Waste is and has been a problem. And what about that forensic Utility audit, Mayor? We keep asking for it. Without one, we have no clue about our Utility. Where is the missing money? What about collecting all the money that is owed to the City for unpaid utility bills? All $8-9 million of it. What about unnecessary labor? Nine guys to screw in a light bulb.
We all should be grateful that we do not have a State Income tax. Think about what Donna and Tom are paying in South Carolina: 7% State Income tax and a 7.5% sales tax. And all we hear are gripes about Utility bills. We own our own Utility and in a few years, we will be in the driver's seat once our Utility infrastructure is paid and we have exited FMPA. When Commissioner Maxwell agreed to the FMPA contract, it was said that rates would go down. Why were the rate increases never challenged? Rates are projected to be lower when we exit this Contract but who knows what the cost will be in three years?
In the meantime, count your blessings and learn how to conserve. Be thankful that we have a City Manager, Susan Stanton, who is attempting to solve some of our outrageous, run-away costs. She has already made some very difficult decisions.
Lake Worth is a great place to live.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Chandra Levy, Gary Condit and a Criminal Illegal Alien

The eventual discovery of Chandra Levy's bones, 13 months after her disappearance, has finally come to a guilty verdict after all these years. Her killer is a criminal illegal immigrant from El Salvador, a murderer.
In 2001, this was a sensational case and literally ended the career of Gary Condit a congressman from California. It was exposed that he was having an affair with Chandra Levy at the time of her disappearance and suspicion turned toward him for knowing more about it. The affair, one of many, ruined his career as affairs often do.
"In July 2006, Condit sued the Sonoran News, a free weekly circular, for defamation of character, after the publication wrote 'that Condit was the 'main focus in the Chandra Levy case in 2001, after lying to investigators about his affair with Levy.' The case was dismissed in July 2007 when the judge ruled that Condit had not proved the statement was false, or that the paper had published it with actual malice." Source: Wikipedia
But as we know now, it was an illegal alien who killed Ms. Levy.
Illegal aliens who are incarcerated: 436,621
Cost of incarceration since 2008: $30,268,757,354
Illegal aliens who are fugitives: 758,385
The government must put a stop to illegal immigration and lower the numbers of legal immigration. How many times do we have to say this? We must close and secure our borders. Here in Florida, we are counting on Marco Rubio and Allen West to do something. Also we need to stop the Dream Act this month.
We continue to allow illegal immigrants into our country and now we all have the chance to call our congressmen to vote "no" on the Dream Act that Harry Reid is trying to push through before January 3rd when the new Congress begins. You must call tomorrow.
From Numbers USA:
Pres. Obama has called for passage of the DREAM Act Amnesty during the lame-duck session. According to a press release issued by Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-N.Y.), she's urging House Speaker Pelosi to hold a vote on Nov. 29 - tomorrow when Congress returns from Thanksgiving recess.
There are two actions: 1) Send faxes to your Members of Congress & President Obama and 2) Call your Reps and urge them to vote NO on DREAM. The Capitol Switchboard number is (202) 224-3121 or you can find their direct number here.
For more information on the DREAM Act, download the Fact Sheet.
A Rick Scott Commission on Florida's Growth?
Jane further states, " about a Scott Commission — with growth itself as the focus?"
Read more of the article, here.
Thought for the Day

Ed Kelly, recently elected mayor of Ormond Beach, was publicly very Anti-Four. He told Suzanne Steiner that "businesses are lined up at Florida's borders, waiting to see what happens with Amendment Four." Suzanne says she wished she'd asked him, "where have all these businesses been for the last 30 years?"
Pinellas Co. provided space in a "business incubator" facility that was an empty county building sitting unused and also gave them many tax breaks and perks to grow their business. When it reached a certain size, the company had to move out of the "incubator" to give room for the next fledgling business, which they did.
The future is "meds and eds" but Florida still only wants to focus on "rooftops and strip malls."
Saturday, November 27, 2010
The Next Three Days
Paws in the Plaza by Milton

Sunday's Pet Events from 11am til 3pm:
- Unique Brunch at Callaro's Restaurant, 264 East Ocean Avenue, Manalapan with Complimentary Menu for Dogs
- MILTON and His Pet House Landscaped by Amelia's Smarty Plants
- Steel Culture Band with Live Music 11:00 - 3:00
- Peggy Adams PetMobile with 20 Kittens and Puppies Available for Adoption
- Arf Arf Launder Mutt Mobile Grooming Unit
- Fur Seasons Resort Stretch Limo
- Frances Goodman Obedience Trainer
- Inventor of The Doggy Wedge Scooper Tool
- Oliver's Brownies Natural Treats for Dogs
- Specialty Dog Cakes
- 2G2 Visions Pet Dog Portrait Artist
- Clothing Boutique for Small Dogs
- Raffle - $200 in Prizes

Trojans knocked out of Regional Finals
It started off great with a pass from Moore to Michel for a 68 yard touchdown but Palm Bay's superior rushing game was too much to overcome. The Trojans lost 27/55.
Friday, November 26, 2010
At the Lake Worth Beach
Small Business Saturday

Thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit that Allen West talks about so much, American express is promoting Small Business Saturday with financial incentives to those who shop tomorrow at small businesses using the American Express credit card.
The BAC PAC and its candidates complained bitterly about business in downtown Lake Worth during the election. Sometimes all it takes is a little American initiative to bring awareness in order to arouse shoppers and businesses in this down economic environment. Our downtown merchants have done that very thing.
Lake Worth has 3,000 commercial businesses and many of these are retailers who will be a part of Small Business Saturday in our downtown. One of the businesses is Andy Amoroso's who also happens to be Vice Chair of our CRA.
As Dick Cheney said, "The strong, healthy economy in the United States depends on the strong, healthy small-business sector. These are such a vital part of the backbone of the economy." See you downtown.
Read about it and Andy here.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Crime in Lake Worth
We justify spending $14-15 million a year on the Sheriff. The largest expenditure that affects the General Fund are the expenses for Public Safety taking up 51% of the Budget. As the City Manager said, we are not overstaffed; we just have to evaluate the current compensation levels and get them in line with Lake Worth's ability to pay...not an easy feat.
Sheriff's Office, Lake Worth
A woman was sitting on the couch in the living room of her home in the 500 block of Ninth Avenue North at 6:55 p.m. when a neighbor opened the door and walked in. He picked up a brick that was on the floor and threw it at her, striking her in the stomach. He then ran out of the residence and got into a car with a woman and drove off. A deputy observed a large abrasion on the woman's stomach. The woman said she and the neighbor have an ongoing dispute.
A flare gun and flares were taken from a boat belonging to a resident in the 1700 block of North Lakeside Drive. A neighbor's boat was also burglarized about the same time.
Someone scratched a truck with a key in the 600 block of Lucerne Avenue. Damage was estimated at $200.
A window on a vehicle parked in the 600 block of South East Street was shattered by a brick between 2:30 and 3:30 p.m.
A man in the 100 block of First Avenue South at 3:40 p.m. appeared to have difficulty walking. He was carrying a cup. A deputy asked the man if he had water in the cup. The man replied, "You know me better than that, it's vodka and Mountain Dew." The man was issued a notice to appear in court and was escorted home.
A laptop computer was stolen from a home in the 700 block of Snowden Drive. The thief entered the residence by breaking a window in the laundry room sometime between 8:25 a.m. and 10:40 a.m.
A burglar at a home in the 700 block of Evergreen Drive took two jewelry boxes from the master bedroom. The intruder, who picked a lock on the front door, also stole a jar containing about $50 worth of quarters.

Pilgrims' Real Thanksgiving Lesson

Economist Benjamin Powell explains the economics of Thanksgiving: "Bad weather or lack of farming knowledge did not cause the pilgrims' shortages. Bad economic incentives did.
In 1620 Plymouth Plantation was founded with a system of communal property rights. Food and supplies were held in common and then distributed based on "equality" and "need" as determined by Plantation officials. Faced with potential starvation in the spring of 1623, the colony decided to implement a new economic system. Every family was assigned a private parcel of land. This change, Bradford wrote, "had very good success, for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been." Giving people economic incentives changed their behavior.
Read The Pilgrims Real Thanksgiving Lesson
Trends in Sustainable Development
Trends in Sustainable Development – Towards Sustainable Consumption and Production
:: 2010-2011
This report highlights trends in resource extraction and use as well as key stresses on the world's ecosystems and life-support systems to which human activities are contributing.
It shows trends in the key drivers of such stresses....
Report Finds Few Countries Able to Break Link between Drive toward Prosperity and Environmental Stress
Give it a read when you have some time....
Ch. 2: Stresses on Eco-Systems...
Stresses on Eco Systems"
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
8 members of Congress invest in Airport Scanning company
One investor is Ron Klein.
Several Lawmakers Invested in L-3 Communications, Maker of Airport Body-Scanning Machines
Lake Worth Trojans Football

Home game with Palm Bay, 7:30 this Friday night.

Don't forget your cow bells and your pom poms.

Overall Wins/Losses: 9-2-0
Overall Winning percentage: 0.818
Overall Points: 429
Overall Points Against: 135
Streak Result: 1 W
Overall Wins/Losses: 9-3-0
Overall Winning percentage: 0.750
Overall Points: 445
Overall Points Against: 232
Streak Result: 1 W
Thanks to
Commissioner Suzanne Mulvehill for
recognizing the accomplishment of our great kids,
our Lake Worth Trojans, under the coaching of Errick Lowe,
by announcing this on the City's Marquee.
Message from Tom & Donna from Mount Pleasant
Thanks for posting about our new home in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. We live north of town in the county, between Mount Pleasant and Francis Marion National Forest. We’re twenty minutes to Charleston, ten minutes to the beach and five minutes to the undeveloped countryside. Our neighborhood, in transition, (old habits die hard) is within walking distance to the salt marsh and offers shade from old oak trees.
We looked at a few areas around Charleston but when we drove along Highway 17 into Mount Pleasant we were struck by the very apparent strong zoning and planning. Stores and shopping areas are mostly well set back and in many cases not even visible from the main road.

Mt. Pleasant recently purchased a combined 245 acre parcel of land with the intent of turning it into the town’s third large park. In the local paper Town administrator Eric DeMoura was quoted as saying, “The town explained that the development of these two tracts of land into single homes, for example, would strain the town services for a long time.” That really hit a strong note with us!
History is all around us; from colonial times, through the Revolution and of course the Civil War. Mount Pleasant and Charleston were the first to advocate seceding from the Union (they’ve tried it three times), and standing on the shore of Battery Park (Take a Virtual Tour) looking out to Fort Sumter is a remarkable site. Even at the beach history is right over your shoulder with old forts and gun emplacements still visible. In fact the library on Sullivan’s Island is housed within a Civil War artillery bunker.
We are enjoying exploring here, but we do miss Lake Worth. We listen to the meetings on the computer and of course read the blogs. We have already had some frost and are looking forward to visiting Florida over the winter. We hope we get to see everybody on Lake Ave. and catch up on all the news from Lake Worth.
Tom Pelham leaving DCA
Sunshine State News
Does Rick Scott have ANY plan for sustainable growth in Florida? Will there be any oversight besides local politicians who have screwed it up?
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Dancing with the Stars - The Winner
50 year old, Jennifer Grey beat the twenty year olds. She has been consistently fabulous all season, brings beauty and art to every dance and was my number one choice from the first show.
Lake Worth Resource Center

Thanksgiving Dinner at Lake Worth Resource Center
Wednesday: Thanksgiving Dinner, 6-9 p.m., Lake Worth Resource Center, 1121 Lucerne Ave., Lake Worth. Hosted by First Baptist Church of Greenacres. Call (561) 383-2929.
Saturday: Thanksgiving Dinner, noon-7 p.m., Lake Worth Resource Center, 1121 Lucerne Ave., Lake Worth. Hosted by Goldman Brothers. Call (561) 383-2929.
Ten things you need to know about the Dream Act
Representative Ron Klein (D - 22) phone, 202-225-3026, FAX, 202-225-8398
Fewer Jobs, More Immigrants

2000 to 2009
WASHINGTON (November 23, 2010) – New Census Bureau data collected in March of this year show that 13.1 million immigrants (legal and illegal) arrived in the previous 10 years, even though there was a net decline of 1 million jobs during the decade. In contrast, during the 1990s job growth was 21 million, and 12.1 million new immigrants arrived. Despite fundamentally different economic conditions, the level of immigration was similar for both ten-year periods.
The report, “Immigration and Economic Stagnation: An Examination of Trends 2000 to 2010,” is online at Among the findings:
- The March 2010 data show that 13.1 million immigrants (legal and illegal) have arrived in the United States since January 2000. This is the case despite two significant recessions during the decade and a net loss of one million jobs.
- Data collected in March 2000 showed one million fewer immigrants arrived from January 1990 to March 2000 (12.1 million), while 21 million jobs were created during the decade.
- In 2008 and 2009, 2.4 million new immigrants (legal and illegal) settled in the United States, even though 8.2 million jobs were lost over the same period.
- The new data indicate that, without a change in U.S. immigration policy, the level of new immigration can remain high even in the face of massive job losses.
- Immigration is a complex process; it is not simply a function of U.S. labor market conditions. Factors such as the desire to be with relatives or to access public services in the United States also significantly impact migration.
- Although new immigration remains high, the 2.4 million new arrivals represent a decline from earlier in this decade. In the two years prior to 2006, for example, there were 2.9 million arrivals, according to Census Bureau data.
- There was no significant change in legal immigration during the past decade. Although the number of jobs declined in the decade just completed, 10.3 million green cards were issued from 2000 to 2009, more than in any decade in American history.
- Illegal immigrants also continue to arrive, though prior research indicates that the number coming dropped significantly at the end of the decade.
- Among the states with the largest proportional increase in their immigrant populations over the last decade are Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky, Alaska, Mississippi, Arkansas, Washington, North Carolina, Maryland, and Nebraska.
Discussion: Some have argued that immigration levels are simply a function of labor market conditions in the United States. But the new Census Bureau data remind us that immigration is a complex process driven by many factors in addition to the economy. In 2008 and 2009 net job losses numbered over 8 million, and the immigrant unemployment rate doubled. Yet more than two million new legal and illegal immigrants settled in the United States in those two years. This does not mean the economy is irrelevant to immigration levels. Rather it means that many factors in addition to the economy impact the flow new immigrants into the country. Such factors as the desire to be with relatives, political freedom, lower levels of official corruption, and the generosity of American taxpayer-funded public services are all among the reasons people come to the United States. These things do not change during a recession or even during a prolonged period of relatively weak economic ! growth, like the decade just completed.
Immigration has a momentum of its own. In 2000 there were already more than 30 million immigrants (legal and illegal) living in the country. This enormous population means there are social networks of friends and family who provide information about conditions in the United States to those back home. This in turn makes those in the home country more aware of opportunities in the United States and more likely to come. New immigrants often live with established immigrants who can help the new arrivals. Thus as the immigrant population grows, it creates pressure and opportunities for even more immigration.
Data Source: Unlike in past decennial censuses, the 2010 census, which will be released shortly, has no immigration questions. Thus it will provide no information about the nation’s immigrant population. The Census Bureau data analyzed in this report are from the March Current Population Survey, also referred to as the Annual Social and Economic Supplement. The new data provide a first look at immigration for the decade just completed. In this report, we use the terms “immigrant” to mean all persons living in this country who were not U.S. citizens at birth. The Census Bureau often refers to these individuals as “foreign born.” The immigrant or foreign-born includes those in the country legally and illegally. Prior research indicates that some 90 percent of illegal immigrants are included in the Current Population Survey.
Source: The Center for Immigration Studies
On Alcee

Hastings is in hot water. This is not the first time. And even though Hastings had undermined confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary and betrayed the trust of the people of the United States, he has been elected over and over again since 1993 as a U.S. Congressman, District 23.
This is the same congressman when talking about health-care legislation said, "There ain't no rules here, we're trying to accomplish something... All this talk about rules... we make 'em up as we go along."
Hastings likes to spend money--taxpayer's money. According to the Sun-Sentinel, "Florida's highest-spending House member was Hastings, who went through 96.5 percent of his allowance." This allowance is $1.5 million on top of his salary of $174,000.
He is also the guy who gave $500 to Carla Blockson in the Lake Worth election. Was this, too, from his "allowance?" His staff assistant, Dan Liftman, who has been known to support progressive candidates, was told by Hastings HQ not to even get involved in the Lake Worth election--"Stay out of Lake Worth."
Alcee Hastings is a member of the Black Caucus. Allen West who wants to join this group and a man of high integrity, will have his hands full.
Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina
The other day I was researching the top places to live in the United States and what do I find? Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina on the list. So this blog is for Donna Ross, former member of our CRA and Tom McGow, a former top blogger here and expert "Photo-Shopper" who moved to Mt. Pleasant. This is to let them know that they are not forgotten and wishing them both a Happy Thanksgiving.
Donna and Tom chose a town that is rated the 100th best place to live in the United States according to CNN Money. I wonder where Lake Worth falls? According to what demographic reports you read, Mount Pleasant is 92% white with nearly 76% of the housing units owner occupied. The majority of residents are 58.1% who fall in the ages from 25 to 64.
Less than 10 minutes from Charleston, Mount Pleasant is big in shrimping, though cheaper imported Asian seafood has hurt the industry.
Residents revel in community events such as the "Blessing of the Fleet" -- an annual spring festival in which everyone enjoys fresh-caught shrimp and live music. --J.S.
In June, Mt. Pleasant received another award. The National Civil League honored Mount Pleasant with The All America City designation. "To qualify for the award, communities submit a detailed application listing three examples of successful community-based problem-solving. This year’s winners addressed such issues as homelessness, obesity, economic development, low-income housing, improving schools and diversity and inclusion."
Ok, you guys--you promised to send photos.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Message from Allen West
Just have to tell you all that it has been an incredible week, the 112th Congress freshman orientation brought the realization to me the humbling responsibility and honor of serving my Country. All those years in uniform was about serving as a Guardian of the institutions of liberty and democracy, now you all have allowed me to serve you as a citizen-legislator, the true intention of our founders.
Sunday evening we had a reception dinner hosted by Speaker-Designate John Boehner in Statuary Hall in the Capitol. After the dinner we were allowed to enter the floor of the US House of Representatives. It was at that time Angela and I came to fully recognize the greatness and exceptionalizm of our Constitutional Republic, the United States of America. All those years seeing the "People's House" on TV and now a simple Soldier was standing within the halls where great Statesmen have trod.
I pray to live up to the legacy now cast upon us.
The days have just flown by since we experienced the thrill of Victory on the 2d of November. Gathering in Washington DC with the historic freshman class of 2010 and the 112th Congress was truly a phenomenal experience. The incoming class will make up 1/3 of the House GOP and we shall be able to make an immediate impact as we restore the Constitutional Conservative principles that have made America the greatest Nation the world shall ever know.
The challenges seem daunting but with Divine guidance and providence, just as that which guided our Founding Fathers, we shall prevail. It is imperative that we have an open and honest conversation with our constituents, the American people. Leadership is about choosing the hard right over the easy wrong, and that is my commitment to everyone of you...and yes, even to the liberals who seek my demise. The solutions for our long term fiscal and national security are clearly evident, we can no longer surrender to the business as usual strategies of Washington DC.
After the freshmen orientation I spent the weekend with the preeminent conservative think tank, The Heritage Foundation. President Ed Fuelner and his staff gave us an incredible two days of intense policy discussion with a panel of superb thinkers and leaders. It was the perfect way to end the week. And on the past Friday we selected your Congressional office, Longworth Building Room 1708, and the Constituent desk awaits all of you...and it has a pretty nice view of the Library of Congress and US Supreme Court.
On the Sunday morning before I flew back home, we were invited to appear on NBC's Meet the Press with David Gregory. I had the pleasure to meet Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and was a member of the discussion panel. Florida's Congressional District 22 will be widely known and shall be a prominent leader as we endeavor to rendezvous with a new American destiny.
In conclusion, Angela, Aubrey, Austen, and I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. Regardless of all the troubles we face, we still live in a Country unlike any other. We are protected by the new "Greatest Generation", so keep them in your prayers as they stand on the ramparts of Freedom. I am so thankful, as you all gave me the greatest of gifts, your trust and confidence to represent you and be a leader in our Republic.
Steadfast & Loyal,
LTC(R) Allen B. West
Allen West tells it like it is
"Let us judge men not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character," said Allen West.
Allen West's first meeting of The Congressional Black Caucus was delayed. He was interviewed outside. Below is a clip of that interview:
Black Caucus preaches victimazation and dependency by promoting dependence on government welfare programs, say Allen West.
From The Wall Street Journal:
ALLEN WEST: The American people are looking for individuals that resemble who they are, who are not part of what they now see as a ruling-class elitism, a political class.
And I think that is why you see 83 new GOP House members. It was not so much about rewarding the Republican Party, but rewarding people that they thought were different from what Washington resembles.
People stood up and said, it is the indomitable entrepreneurial spirit of the American small-business owner and corporate businessmen and women that will give us long-term, sustainable economic growth. That is the message that won in 2010.
West "gives it to" John Lewis and Alcee Hastings--
John F. Kennedy - Anniversary of his death

The 35th President of the United States was assassinated 47 years ago today at age 46.
Was the assassination a conspiracy? Was it a single act by Lee Harvey Oswald?
Tonight at 7pm, the Discovery Channel (DSC) will air Inside the Target Car and a documentary on the Secret Service before the main show at 9pm, The Kennedy Detail, regarding that fateful day in Dallas, November 22, 1963 and the theories of the Secret Service whose job it was to protect the President.
The Red-Light Camera Trip

Red-Light cameras are back in the news today.
There are some who believe that if it might make a few bucks for the City then it is a good thing...the heck with the residents who have to live with lousy decisions, who have to pay for them as well or whether the taxpayers speak out against these ill-conceived ideas or not. Staff always believes that it knows best.
In this case, the Commission took the red-light camera "trip" and made the right decision to reject the entire idea. Palm Springs put in three of them: Congress and Forrest Hill, 10th Ave North and Lake Worth Road. To date, Palm Springs has lost money but the Mayor there still insists that red-light cameras are a good thing for safety--only time will tell. One thing that we do know is it lets the police off the hook for more serious issues (the Sheriff keeps telling us that crime is down) and relegates traffic tickets to technology.
If you recall, American Traffic Solutions' sales pitch was that it was for "safety" purposes. In West Palm Beach, they have had more rear-end accidents than they had without red-light cameras. Even Lois Frankel says, "I personally do not like the cameras."
The only entity that is guaranteed to make any money is the red-light camera company. Darrian Dority and Jennifer Marchal of the Finance Advisory Board understood that when they voted "no" on approval of the red-light cameras in Lake Worth. American Traffic Solutions wanted Lake Worth to pay them $298,997 a year for 5 cameras. The City estimated that we would receive $100,000 revenue per guarantee of making money and no guarantee of making our intersections more safe.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Malayan Tigers at Palm Beach Zoo
Amendment 4's Defeat was all about big Business Bucks
Independent analysis of wood markets, bioenergy projects and timberland investment vehicles
Timber REITs: RYN and PCL Benefit from Rejection of Florida’s Amendment 4
Earlier this month, Florida voters rejected a constitutional amendment that would have changed the state’s development approval process. “Amendment 4” – sponsored by the non-partisan Florida Hometown Democracy – would have required a voter referendum whenever a local government amended its comprehensive plan. The amendment would have made the entitlement process in the state more complicated.
The rejection of the amendment favors Rayonier (RYN) and Plum Creek (PCL), which have HBU (“higher-and-better-use”) lands with development potential in the state. This is especially true for Rayonier, which currently has three major projects in Florida. The company seeks entitlements for 24,000 acres in
Marginally, Plum Creek also benefits from the Amendment 4 rejection. The company owns about 590,000 acres in Florida. However, most of these acres are strategic timberlands and not HBU development properties. In all, Plum Creek has identified 150,000 acres nation-wide (of ~6.9 million acres owned) as having HBU development potential.
Timber REITs: RYN and PCL Benefit from Rejection of Florida’s Amendment 4.
Source: Forisk's Blog
Check out the credentials of those at Forisk.
Amendment 4's defeat was all about big business bucks.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Scenes from the Beach
Beach 11-19-10
In a few short years, we will have a fully restored, refurbished and redeveloped beachfront. There will be a specific team of employees who will be in charge of beach maintenance. We can never allow our property to be neglected ever again.
Perhaps by then we will be able to re-open our pool for the year, not just for four months during the summer. Perhaps by then, we will have someone in charge of marketing our great assets instead of allowing them to remain idle or closed. Perhaps by then we will no longer have residents here wanting to sell off or give-away our assets. Perhaps by then we will no longer have a Commissioner saying that our Utility is an albatross around our necks. Perhaps by then the Unions won't be gouging the City of Lake Worth. If not, we all better be screaming bloody murder.
On Fascism - Thought of the Day
If you're trying to hint broadly that the country is moving possibly in a fascist direction, as exemplified by the US Supreme Court decision unleashing all the corporations for unlimited spending in the electoral process, then I would agree.
Please see two short sentences from the Wikipedia definition below. (There was much more there if you are interested).
Fascism is a radical and authoritarian nationalist political Ideology. Fascists seek to organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy.
Note: Anyone who wants to share a thought, send it to me. Thanks.
Football and Faces -- Lake Worth High School Trojans WIN!
Do you know more than the average American?
A new survey from the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press finds that less than half of Americans know that Republicans won the House majority in the recent midterms. About 75% have some vague notion that Republicans beat Democrats -- they just don't know what that means.
That's in line with how Americans answered the survey in general -- they have some sense of what's going on in politics, but are fuzzy on specifics. Among the other findings of the survey:
--Only about half of Americans know that the national unemployment rate is approaching 10%
--Only 38% know John Boehner is the incoming House Speaker
--A mere 39% know that the government spends more on national defense than on education or Medicare (among Republicans, it's only 28%)
On average, Americans got 5 out of 12 answers correct. You can take the quiz yourself to see how your political knowledge stacks up. We know that Lake Worthians can beat this national average.
Thanks to John Hedrick for sending the above.Friday, November 19, 2010
147 Years Today - Gettysburg Address
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Sign of a Recovery or just more Developer Speculation?
Just what we need--more condos on the beach or anywhere, for that matter.
The Kolter Group, a private investment firm, will be constructing a condominium directly on the ocean just 2.5 miles north of Delray. This is the site of what was known as the Seahorse Bath & Tennis Club located at 4001 North Ocean Blvd.
The building will be six stories high and will consist of 34 units ranging in price from $1.4 million up to $3 mil. Kolter is looking to have some buyers prior to construction and is asking for a 10% deposit.

Tonight's the Night for FOOTBALL
Rookie, Jeff Clemens

From the web site with a little more thrown in:
Jeff Clemens kept the seat held by term-limited Rep. Mary Brandenburg for the Democrats. His opponent, Steven Rosenberg, was not well funded (Clemens had 8 times the money) and got little support from his own Republican Party base. Clemens, who will represent part of Palm Beach County, had a background in journalism before serving as an aide to Brandenburg. He was elected mayor of Lake Worth in 2007.
He may be described as a "rookie" in the Florida Legislature but he is no rookie when it comes to politics in general. He will consider his options on an issue and his vote will reflect the least amount of possible damage to his career. He is always looking out for Number One. He blows with the wind.
Despite the fact that he worked for Mary Brandenburg at one time as her Aide, he defeated her husband in the Democratic primary to win election to Tallahassee. Clemens has called for the creation of more green jobs in the state and the elimination of FCAT testing.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Full-Time Politician blasts Florida Supreme Court Justices
Per a reader--It's worth noting that 2 Florida Supreme Court justices, Canady and Polston, showed up to hear Florida House Speaker Dean Cannon blast the Florida Supreme Court Justices. Both of them supported the Revocation Statute and the Smart Growth petition. Their voting record indicates they vote in accordance with the Chamber of Commerce's position.
As an officer of the court, Cannon was really skating on thin ice to call the Court an "enemy of liberty."
I was curious about Cannon, who is a solo practitioner and doesn't have a website or appear to engage in much real legal practice. The only reference I could find to his line of legal work is that guessed it...does land use law, with a focus on protecting private property rights. Mainly he is a full time politician."
"The Idiot Loop"
Bill Coakley, former candidate for Lake Worth Mayor in 2009, now lives on Lake Osborne Drive in a community called Lake Osborne Estates. He was elected President of his Neighborhood Association just this week and has been extremely involved with low flying helicopters from the Lantana Airport over residential homes in his community. Meetings with County Commissioners, the FAA, etc. are finally bringing results.
Some of us got a notice from the City of Lake Worth on November 15th when a main water line broke there and water was off for the entire day. Aqua Utilities bought the water pipes, hydrants and meters and buys its water from Lake Worth at retail price, selling it back to Lake Osborne Heights residents at a marked up price.
As this company raises fees, the residents naturally conserve and use less water. So, Aqua continues to ask for rate increases. Bill calls this "the idiot loop." Today, Bill's photo appears on the front page of The Palm Beach Post and the situation with Aqua Utilities.
Read all about it HERE.
Susan Bucher to be on Live interview at 11am
Our Saviour Lutheran
Run-Off Election
November 2009

Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher will take questions from The Palm Beach Post's editorial board at 11 a.m. today about the recent election and her department's plans for the future.
The interview will be broadcast live on
Governor Scott Dancing
Scott will be dancing to a different tune as he pledged to "clean house." One of his first steps in that direction will be to regain the governor's authority concerning The Department of Management Services, a department that awards State contracts. It has been reported that the entire bid process has been less than stellar and Scott wants to use his business acumen to whip that department into shape.
I don't know, Governor--politicians doing a tango with lobbyists and developers? Sounds like the same old dance steps to me.