Tuesday, October 12, 2010

South Palm Park NA Candidate Forum

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We were politely asked not to hold up these signs

Commissioner Mulvehill, dressed for the occasion wearing a white (NOT black) silk suit, was at South Palm Park Neighborhood Association's Candidate Forum last night at Brogues to give the facts. She was up tempo the entire evening. Afterall, the decisions made by her and this Commission are the very ones that will turn Lake Worth around to a prosperous future for all.

Her opponent, Lisa Maxwell, was into her normal doom and gloom saying the same old scare lines of the past. She hasn't learned, yet, that most of what she says is false and is nothing more than her invented outrage. Does she just not know the facts or is this all a bunch of hooie? Again she brought up that the Mayor said we were going bankrupt. Hasn't she learned by now that the Mayor says a lot of things--is a flip-flopper. The Mayor responded to the "bankrupt" charge at a City Commission meeting and has said that we are not going bankrupt, that we are never going bankrupt. Lisa Maxwell wants to scare the electorate into voting for her.

She further stated that she wants to work with Scott Maxwell and that "we need a strong consensus." Scott Maxwell is a Commissioner who enjoys being arbitrary and not happy with too much of anything. I think it is all a game with him. These two Maxwells MUST be related.

Essence of these Candidates

Carla Blockson was 100 times smarter than Lisa Maxwell but that does not mean that Carla knew the facts. Blockson said that the reason she was running was to have a consenus on the dais, no more 3 to 2 votes. If she had come to city commission meetings or even had listened to them on-line, she would know that the majority of the decisions over the past year have been voted on a 5 to 0 vote. Personally, I like Commissioners thinking for themselves and putting the residents first...rubber stamping Staff decisions does not always work for me.

Carla said that the Budget needs to be balanced with the implication being that it is not. Well, it is and a balanced budget is mandated by Florida law.

Signs in front of Brogues

Neither Blockson nor Maxwell understood anything about Amendment 4. Lisa Maxwell even went so far as to talk about someone putting up a fence. Amendment 4 has nothing to do with variances. It is all about LAND-USE CHANGES IN OUR COMPREHENSIBLE PLAN. Maxwell should already know this as she is a lobbyist for the development industry.

Maxwell goes on to say that she is a firm believer in property rights and the U.S. Constitution, the very document that gives us the right to referenda (the principle or practice of submitting to popular vote a measure passed on or proposed by a legislative body or by popular initiative). I was surprised that Amendment 4 came up at all. Not one other State ballot initiative was addressed and rightly so; this is a local election involving local issues.

Blockson spouted stuff for which she knew nothing even admitting that she had just read about the Amendment that day. Did she have prior knowledge of the question?

Christopher McVoy was thoughtful in his responses to all of the questions even when they gave the candidates 10 seconds to answer either "yes" or "no" to a couple of them. He explained that as a scientist, nothing was that simple--that he likes to dig to the bottom of something in order to make the right decision. This is exactly the type of elected official that we need.

If there were "winners" last night, the choices were clear--Mulvehill way out in front and McVoy edged ahead of Blockson by making no mistakes.

1 comment:

Arête said...

Lynn, THANK YOU for giving the essence of the meeting and the candidates to those who could not attend. The picture of the candidates speaks volumes!