South Florida 9-12, South Florida Tea Party, and DC Works for Us, had a joint rally on March 8th that drew approximately 70 anti-Obamacare activists from 4:00 to after 5pm. It was held in front of Ron Klein’s office on Glades Road in Boca Raton.
Although only 70 people showed up, it is a start. A large percentage of our citizens has been ignored and President Obama is blaming the lack of acceptance of his healthcare plan on the press, insurance companies and partisan politics.
As this country just experienced a record deficit for one month of $221 billion in February, it defies all logic that the President is pushing through plans with no means to pay. The Stimulus was to create jobs. It has not. Unemployment in Palm Beach County has soared to 12.5%. Washington now has passed a $237.9 billion package to help those who are unemployed to get more benefits, saying that this is a "stimulus."

Read more about the rally at 9-12org web site.
1 comment:
Come November,any Washington politician that votes for this nightmare Obama care bill will be out there with the rest of us-LOOKING for a job.An a## -kicking of biblical proportions is coming in November.
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