The only "planning" that this little gal does while wearing
her pill box hat, is scheming on
how to get her next doggy treat
I thought it out over several days and decided to publish Katie's rejected blog from Wes' site. I eliminated the words that might be considered "character assassination" and offensive to Wes. Her post to his blog was not an "anonymous" post as suggested. It was no more so than most posters there such as (Luther), Jack and Jim, all those who use only a first name or fictitious names and/or those who use disparaging adjectives towards others with a different view. Her using Wes' real name of "Charlie" a derivative of Charles, was certainly more flattering than those on his site calling people "looney."
Most people know her ID after having posted for 1.5 years now on my blog. I am 100% against character assassination or subjecting people to ridicule to make points but in this instance, we have read enough malicious commentary from that and other blogs for years from those who will not allow anyone to have another opinion or just simply debating a subject. I can well understand why Wes rejected the post. Politics is flaming hot in Lake Worth.
Although her second post was denied, the message is important and its content is relative to an on-going legal and political situation involving our Comp Plan land use change that was approved by the former Planning & Zoning board and a former City Commission. It has involved an entire neighborhood and has taken countless hours over 4 years and money to stand up to what the residents know was an egregious act by P&Z. Those on the P&Z who voted to change the land-use, as well as that Commission, did a disservice to all those in that neighborhood consisting of approximately 1,000 people as well as all of the neighborhoods in Lake Worth.
As we adamantly support the single family neighborhood, we object to the political power of a few to sabotage our Comp Plan for the sole welfare of developers or for whatever purpose they may have. If we had Florida Hometown Democracy in place, we would have been able to vote on this important land use change but instead, a commission on a 3 to 2 vote had the sole power to possibly change an entire single family neighborhood at a snap of its political fingers.
I want to personally thank all of those in Save Our Neighborhood as well as the residents of Lake Osborne Heights for standing up for truth and decency and helping to defend and preserve the single family neighborhood.
Vote Yes on November 2, 2010 for Amendment 4.
Katie's rejected post below:"Charlie, calling you a growth w$%^* was not character assassination. It was not a totally successful attempt to characterize you and the rest of the "club" that you ran. I don't like calling the group a Planning and Zoning Board because that would imply that some professional standards were used in the decisions that were made. No planner would have approved of the density or zoning on a piece of property located where the Sunset property is. Your recommendations went against everything that our million dollar master plan said about multi-family zoning.
It took an honest Commission to finally fix the "mistakes" that were made.
Charlie, if a developer wanted something, they knew which town to come to...developers giving other developers everything that they wanted. And that's why, Charlie, I shouldn't have called you and your group growth w$%^&*. You were really a bunch of developer p*&^% (procurers, offenders, wrongdoers). You didn't answer any of my questions, Charlie.
And finally, Charlie, I really don't get the whole Jackie thing, other than it tells me you spend WAY too much time thinking about pill box hats."
Katie McGiveron, President, Save Our Neighborhood, Inc.
Guest Blogger here only because you would not publish this comment on your blog.