Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Vigilante

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Terrorism and vigilantism are now being used by a handful of residents in our city to victimize political opponents all in the name of  what they say is "doing what's right."  They use the Race Card to justify their behavior and even made a case against someone for using the N word (when there is no legal proof) to get her fired from her place of employ where she worked as a Realtor.  Not only that, this self-proclaimed vigilante called every real estate agency around to give them the same race card story and he says he is proud of infringing on someone's civil rights.

On top of all that he has done, he sees nothing wrong with it.  In his mind, this is America and he can say and do as he pleases under the guise of free speech and he has the right to act like a street thug. He went after the Common Ground Church calling for a boycott.  A group boycott is illegal under antitrust laws because it has the effect of restraining freedom of trade. No one really knows why he and his handful went after the church but we suspect that it was his loyalty to Gerry Corcia, of code enforcement, who wrote a report to shut them down for not having a license.

He has now gone way over the edge of decency and has committed a tort.  Not only is his vendetta against a resident reduced to writing but it is recorded in a public meeting. He admits to being the organizer of a volunteer group with people such as John Szerdi and Loretta Sharp, in order to suppress and punish anyone who he deems as "racist." After all, vice mayor Scott Maxwell just called all of us who voted against the general obligation bond as "racists." He must believe that if the vice mayor can do it, so can he. In his mind, he is a self-appointed "doer of justice." He is nothing more than an anarchist and anyone with different views from his own are potential/probable targets.

Actually he has now escalated his harassment, not only towards one resident here for her alleged use of the N word, but others for whom he wants to target for just about anything, even those who are standing up for the law or who speak out against his abominations. His and his cohorts actions are a basis for a lawsuit, perhaps due to discrimination/intimidation or blackmail, i.e, "Maybe I'll stop bothering you, if you'll apologize for using the word "nigger."  The object of his harassment could file a petition for a "stay away"(restraining) order, intended to prevent contact by him in any way for violating her civil rights, for his threats and harassment and his repetitive disturbing soap box performances.

Once again, mayor, you failed to protect the very citizens who come to meetings in what Mike Bornstein says is the “city’s temple.”  If that is what it truly is, a sanctuary, last night it felt more like being in an ISIS camp. You continue to allow certain people to say anything they choose against other citizens.  Bornstein started this and he should end it—NOW.  You really need to have more respect as you represent all of the citizens and you need to control the meeting. Mark Parrilla is now threatening others with his vexation while he glances out over the audience and says some of you will be next.  This is what you are condoning by allowing it. Political assassination at best. Will the next targets be all those who oppose more commercialization at our beach?  Will he appear in front of their doors as well?

Personally, I feel the city was conducive to his abominable behavior last night when it allowed him his 2 minutes of free speech to harass another citizen and allowed him to intimidate other citizens with his terror. The city should be protecting citizens at city hall and by allowing his "hate" speech may subject the city to a lawsuit for failure to protect the targets of this "do-gooder." Your lack of action here makes the city complicit in a civil rights action as his targets were not treated equally and protected from his discrimination at a public meeting room. You allowed it. If people can't be safe at city hall, where can they be safe?


Anonymous said...

He, along with his little band who happen to be on city boards, need to be terminated immediately. That would include Loretta Sharpe and Wes Blackman. They are the biggest causes of evil in this town and by being on a board, they represent the city. By representing the city, the commission must encourage their repulsive behavior. How can you stand idly by, mayor? You are a part of the sickness. Do you really think the majority of residents will tolerate this?

Anonymous said...

Most of us know that he is one sick sorry ^%$ who struts around like he's a peacock. Didn't he get some award several years ago for being a hero or something like that? What did he do to get that recognition? Was it before he became OFF THE WALL?

Anonymous said...

This is crazy. Isn't this the very group that has always said that it wants to bring everyone together and stop the bickering? Won't happen unless people like Perilla are stopped dead in their tracks. Let's see. What about the mayor's and vice mayor's house next for being such bullies. Maybe the public should demonstrate against all of them in front of their homes. Perilla's place of employment?

Anonymous said...

Lets check his taxes and such on his LLC Digital Web

Anonymous said...

This has now evolved into hate speech. That's what he's doing. I think you've got something there when you say the city is complicit.He's on a board. Next thing he will be protesting right wing conservatives. Watch out Scott. Sorry about that confusion as Parilla changes with the wind when it comes to what in hell he's doing or why.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same Mark Parrilla who pleaded guilty to assault in 2007 according to the County Clerk's site?

Anonymous said...

It appears that Mr. Parrilla has a lengthy record, felony and all. This man is on a city board? I guess I should be cautious around him. He might punch my lights out.

Anonymous said...

Yes. He has quite a record.

Anonymous said...

When looking at this video of Mark Parrilla, one can only conclude that he is either crazy or he is being motivated by something other than what he says. Perhaps he is being paid to cause all this trouble towards people who oppose this commission. Something else is going on here because no sane person would act this way. What do you say,Mark? Is someone paying you to cause a race riot in the city or are they paying you to just cause the big divide with your hate?