Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Readin' Writin' and 'Rithmetic

Under political pressure, yesterday Governor Rick Scott signed a bill to cut back on standarized testing in the schools. Florida dropped to number 28 in the national ranking of public schools. Florida used to be in the top rankings but this year's formula was changed to focus more on outcomes instead of policy. Florida earned a grade of C, the national average. Read about it...

Teachers win as the new legislation would make test results count for only 30 percent of their evaluations as well as significantly reduce testing to only take up 45 hours out of 900 hours of classroom time.  Students think they have won something because they will get out of the much dreaded tests that they have been taking. The State has won something because with less testing, their rankings will stop dropping in the toilet because these kids can't understand the basics?  School grades in Palm Beach County

Will we now have smarter kids because of this new law?

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