Thursday, January 9, 2025

Democrats using Liz Cheney was a stupid political strategy

Liz Cheney wanted to crawl into a hole

after her role in this total catastrophe was fully exposed

"Former Congresswoman Liz Cheney keeps trying to help Democrats and the latest attempt at it exploded in the lead January 6th Committee RINO’s face.

Nothing has gone well for Liz Cheney politically since her historic nearly 40-point shellacking in Wyoming’s 2022 Republican Primary.

Now she’s getting confronted by her biggest embarrassment yet.

Nearly two months have passed since the 2024 Presidential election, and yet, Americans are still scratching their heads over Vice President Kamala Harris’ decision to hitch her wagon to disgraced former Congresswoman Liz Cheney (RINO-WY) in the closing weeks of her campaign.

Harris and Cheney crisscrossed the nation, hosting high-profile events in the crucial swing states that ultimately decided the race."

Read more about this bad decision

And now we have Biden giving Cheney the Medal of Freedom...what a joke!


Anonymous said...

Don’t like either of them but how are these two “war criminals”? Thanks

Lynn Anderson said...

Her father was a war criminal who helped make torture, black sites, and other illegal acts a routine part of American foreign policy. Going to war against Trump and the concocted lies on the UnSelect Committee was a war. She supported her father and does to this day. Biden, we all know about him.

Anonymous said...

The sins of her father won’t convict her in court and Biden, what has he done I’m guessing it’s russia war on Ukraine ? Take care….,