Saturday, December 28, 2024

California Insanity continues

Blue state violent crime victims ordered to address 'trans' career criminal by preferred pronouns

Tremaine 'Treymane' Deon Carroll transferred out of a California women's prison after being indicted on 2 rape counts

Victims of a transgender-identified, male-born California convict accused of raping fellow inmates at a California women's prison will be forced to police their pronoun usage while recounting the alleged attacks on the stand, per a recent court order.

Tremaine "Tremayne" Deon Carroll, 52, identifies as a woman, and must be referred to using she/her pronouns in court after a Madera County Court judge's ruling, ABC30 reported.

Carroll faces two charges of forcible rape and one of "dissuading a witness from testifying."

"After his first cellmate became pregnant and was moved to [a male-only facility in] Los Angeles, two other cellmates of his had complained that he had raped them, so we have filed rape charges against this inmate," Madera County District Attorney Sally Moreno told ABC30.

Read about the insanity

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have felt for years now that everyone in California is nuts.