Monday, September 2, 2024

Sawfish caught in Florida--On endangered species list

For all you Anglers out there, here's a story for you--

A Florida fisherman was stunned to reel in this scary prehistoric monster

Rare prehistoric shark relative caught in Florida

The waters of Florida are home to some of the best fishing in the country.

Anglers never know what they might find.

And a Florida fisherman was stunned to reel in this scary prehistoric monster.

Members of the University of North Florida’s Shark Biology program were fishing on the St. Mary’s River on the border with Georgia when they made a shocking find.

A student caught one of the critically endangered smalltooth sawfish after he felt it pulling on his line. After they studied it, it was released.

The smalltooth sawfish evolved from primitive shark species that have long been extinct.

Read about the Sawfish

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