Monday, September 2, 2024

California bill to ban Voter ID laws

California Bill Banning Voter ID Laws Passes Legislature, Awaits Governor’s Signature

The legislation is a response to a measure passed by Huntington Beach voters in March that would allow voter ID in city elections.

A California bill that would ban local governments from requiring voter identification in their elections passed the state assembly, and now awaits the governor’s approval or veto.

The measure would ban local governments such as Huntington Beach—where voters recently gave the City Council the go-ahead to impose such a requirement—from enacting voter ID laws and makes clear the state has exclusive jurisdiction when it comes to the voter verification process.

Senate Bill 1174, authored by Sen. Dave Min, passed the Assembly in a 57 to 16 vote on Aug. 27.

The Epoch Times

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is good is bad according to the Dems and what is bad is good they're just evil slaves for Satan let's face it, demonic devil Satan worshiper evil slaves! It's just like what they do with abortion using the term from Jesus when he says this is my body, they say the same thing this is my body they are blasphemous and they're evil disgusting pigs, baby killer supporters, supporting satan!