Monday, September 2, 2024

ACLJ files petition to protect kids from porn in school libraries

Petition seeks court order protecting kids from state-promoted pornography in schools

'At no time has the U.S. Supreme Court held that the First Amendment protects the inclusion of this type of sexually explicit material' in libraries.

The American Center for Law and Justice is stepping up its fight to protect kids in New York schools from pornography that leftist librarians are insisting on adding to their collections.

The organization has filed a petition in New York state court asking to overturn a decision from state education officials providing those books to children.

"As we explain in our petition, both federal and state laws emphasize the important role and compelling interest of public schools in protecting children from exposure to lewd and obscene content. Public schools and boards of education owe a duty of care to both parents and students to ensure that the curriculum and other materials provided to students are free of pornography and are age appropriate," the ACLJ reported.

"In fact, the United States Supreme Court has made abundantly clear that schools have a compelling interest in protecting children from inappropriate and lewd content," the ACLJ reported. "Once more, the court has unanimously held that a school board maintains the right and the power to remove such content from its schools."

Read about it...

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