Thursday, September 5, 2024

Rise of Violent Crimes in Sanctuary City New York

Sanctuary New York City Report Claims Three-Quarters of Violent Crimes Committed by Illegals

Sanctuary cities, once hailed as safe havens for immigrants, have increasingly become dangerous places for their residents.

These policies, designed to protect illegal aliens from deportation, have led to unintended and serious consequences. Crime has surged as homelessness abounds and 60% of the crimes committed are by illegal aliens.

The harm caused by sanctuary city policies is evident in the growing number of violent crimes committed by individuals who should not be in the country. When local police are unable to work with federal immigration authorities, it allows criminals to remain in communities where they continue to pose a threat. Recent reports highlight the severity of the problem in New York City.

The NYPD, restricted by these Sanctuary City laws, cannot ask about the immigration status of suspects, victims, or witnesses, further complicating the tracking and handling of these crimes and ICE is knee-capped.

The illegal alien crisis has added significant financial and safety burdens to the city, with an estimated cost of $10 billion over three years.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

Vote for President Trump he will clean this up!

Forward thinker. said...

They are conditioned to realize they dont have to follow rules. They are conditioned to realize "your government" gives people money. Yes, I work with one who illegally crossed. Nice guy, but "your government" giving shit really irks me.