Friday, September 6, 2024

Biden says "NO" to our Great ally and Israeli Prime Minister

Biden Says ‘No’ to Netanyahu: A Slap in the Face to Israel!

President Joe Biden has managed to sink to a new low, and that’s saying something. As the world watches in horror, Hamas terrorists continue their reign of terror over innocent Israeli citizens, taking hostages and murdering civilians.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, doing everything in his power to rescue hostages, is under relentless pressure.

And what does Biden do when asked if Netanyahu is doing enough to save those hostages? His cold, dismissive answer was a single word: “No.”

The Biden administration has made it impossible for Israel to finish this war by tying its hands with demands for humanitarian aid and ceasefires, allowing Hamas to regroup and continue its terror campaign.


Anonymous said...

August 13, 2024: The United States on Tuesday approved the sale of $20 billion in fighter jets and other military equipment to Israel as it prosecutes a 10-month-old war in the Gaza Strip although the Pentagon said deliveries would not begin for years.

Lynn Anderson said...

The sale was approved but delivery would be in 5 years, maybe. So, what good is that?