Sunday, June 23, 2024

The snake Hamas has to be eradicated

“This is about good versus evil

As the conflict between Hamas and Israel rages on, a name has begun trending on X: Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, the IDF’s head spokesman who’s been “trying to show the world what Gaza is really like.”

Hagari “seemed really solid until last week,” says Glenn Beck.

During an interview, the admiral said, “Whomever thinks it's possible to destroy Hamas is wrong. Hamas is an idea. Whomever thinks it's possible to make it disappear is wrong.”

See why Glenn respectfully disagrees


Anonymous said...

I guess Hagari knows what he's talking about. Nazis still abound as a movement, and a philosophy.

Hitler is dead! That we can be sure of. Nobody lives that long, but the philosophy lives on.

Glenn Beck is just a talking head.

Anonymous said...

Evil, and protesters supporting Hamas are evil!