Thursday, June 27, 2024

Biden hires another Bizarre staff member

Biden’s new associate communications director, Tyler Cherry

Biden hired a flamboyant new cross-dressing gender goblin to help lead his communications department

Well, the Biden regime has outdone itself once more. They’ve plunged deep into the DEI well and snagged a real doozy. This latest DEI hire isn’t just a flamboyant cross-dresser; he’s also an anti-white racist and a hardcore left-wing extremist and hates Israel.

He ticks every box for a progressive DEI hire—the only thing missing are his “communication skills.” But, honestly, who needs those when you’re set to spearhead Biden’s circus of a communications department?

Read more about Tyler...

What is the Biden administration trying to prove by these hires?


Anonymous said...

Keeps getting worse

Anonymous said...

He's also ugly!

Anonymous said...

Tired of all these tat freaks who are so insecure!