Thursday, April 11, 2024

Biden Reveals Secret Weapon to Win 2024 Election--LGBTQ

Biden-Harris administration is branding itself as “the most pro-LGBTQ+ in history

Oh, boy, fasten your seatbelts and prepare for a bumpy ride on the campaign trail! It seems like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have decided to pull out the big guns in their re-election efforts, launching a new initiative to woo the LGBTQ+ community.

Dubbed “Out for Biden-Harris,” this campaign is not just a shout into the void; it’s a full-blown megaphone announcement declaring LGBTQ+ voters as “a force to be reckoned with.” You heard that right, and it’s about as subtle as a parade float at Mardi Gras.

With approval ratings that are more underwater than a submarine with a screen door, Biden’s team is scrambling faster than eggs on a Sunday morning. They’re pulling out all the stops, hoping to secure another term in the White House despite facing historic low approval ratings. And who can blame them? When you’re sitting at a 31% approval rating, it’s time to start looking for friends in any corner you can find them.

Enter “Out for Biden-Harris,” a nationwide effort to mobilize LGBTQ+ voters and community members across the country.

Read about it...

The number of American adults who identify as LGBTQ+ has more than doubled in the last 12 years, according to new polling from Gallup.

The latest results show that 7.6% of U.S. adults now align themselves with the LGBTQ+ community — up from 3.5% in 2012, when Gallup started collecting this data. Compare that to four years ago, when the figure was 5.6%.

Dividing Americans is what Biden does best.


Anonymous said...

always thought that group was from the funny farm

Anonymous said...

.001 % of American citizens. LGBTQRS$$$XYZ.And they are counting on them. Biden has obviously abandoned his key demographic. The dead.

Lynn Anderson said...

@4:54...LOVE this comment. Thanks, Friend.

Anonymous said...

Most gay conservatives love President Trump. Gays do not like all this trans stuff either, don't put all gays in the same biden basket.