Chicago Mayor Sparks Outcry with Reparations Proposal to Curb Crime
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson has called for paying reparations to African-American residents as a way to prevent them from committing crimes.THIS IS NOT A jOKE!
He proposes to pay the reparations out of $100 million already earmarked for violence prevention in the Windy City. He said $500,000 has already been put aside as reparations money to be used to reduce what he called “the cycle of violence” in Chicago.“So white people that never had slaves should pay money to black people that never were slaves in the hopes that the black perpetrators committing a disproportionate rate of crime, rape and murder will allegedly subside. Low IQ woke Afrocentric ”logic“ is running wild in America.”
Read about this farce
No logic or reasoning to it at all, another nut case. Reparations is just a way for them all to make millions, greedy corrupt self serving sob, that new mayor is incompetent as bad as the previous one, like Adams too and Bowser, these black mayors only care about $. They make black look bad.
Ben Carson and Larry Elder are two i really admire, they have common sense.
All these liberal left black mayors are deranged haters and completely ineffective! Adams, Johnson and Bowser have all proven this. The one from SF or Oakland too, nut jobs!
you dont think washington is more corupt than chicago
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