Thursday, January 4, 2024

Question Hamas, not the Israelis for defending themselves

Naftali Bennett Schools This Reporter On “Proportionality”

It didn’t take long for Western media to begin to “equate” Gazan deaths to those Israelis who perished at the hands of Hamas.

Their favorite tactic is questioning Israel on having a proportionate response when fighting Hamas. Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett does a great job in the video, schooling the ABC reporter on proportionality.

The idea that someone is still questioning the rationale behind Israel’s retaliation against Hamas is unfathomable, yet it happens all the time. Comparing deaths on both sides is ludicrous – especially since the only reason people are dying in Gaza are because the leadership they voted for continues to attack Jews.

10 days after the worst pogrom since the Holocaust, journalists are already blaming Israel for everything.

Arfe they too stupid to understand who is good and who is evil here?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are living in illogical irrational times where the government and media make the true good as if it is evil, and the evil something good, things are all upsidedown, the slaves for Satan all think they are right and going to Heaven. Please pray for the USA and people of goodwill.