Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Biden down in Polls for New Year

Biden’s Worst Nightmare is Becoming a Reality

In other words, he sucks by most people polled

And it’s not just the approval ratings that have got the Dems in a tizzy. Apparently, three out of four voters have “major to moderate concerns” about Biden’s age and fitness to continue serving as commander in chief.

At 81 years old, Biden would be the oldest president in U.S. history to serve a second term. Let’s just say that doesn’t exactly inspire confidence. [patriotclash]

It's not his age with me...it's his mind. Look at Trump who is three years younger...sharp as a tack.

See video on X


Anonymous said...

A lot of bad people get dementia, karma or payback, the guy was nothing but a greedy self serving corrupt career politician who became a slave for the devil, pure evil, hope he rots in jail.

Anonymous said...

They will cheat to try to win, pray hard God intervenes.