Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Everything is Negotiable but not with Matt Gaetz

Gaetz Vows to Move to Oust McCarthy After Congress Avoids Gov't Shutdown

During an appearance on CNN Sunday, Hothead Gaetz accused McCarthy of engaging in a “brazen, repeated, material breach” of an agreement he struck with House conservatives to become speaker in January.

The Florida congressman said he would file a motion to vacate the chair sometime this week in a bid to topple McCarthy.

When journalist Jake Tapper noted 218 lawmakers would need to vote for the motion, Gaetz predicted there would be enough votes for the move to succeed unless Democrats provide votes to help save the California Republican.

Gaetz Wants his own way


Anonymous said...

The whole Gaetz family is of questionable character.

I was surprised to learn that he likes animals, and for that reason, I may not vehemently desire his immediately ouster.

Anonymous said...

Gaetz is an animal. His day is coming.

Anonymous said...

I suppose you'll blog about the removal of the Speaker of the House on Thursday.

Anyway, it happened. It's over.

Lynn Anderson said...

It's amazing that 8 Republicans with EVERY DEMOCRAT kicked out McCarthy. It's a wrong move.

Anonymous said...

8 RINO’s sold out The USA

Anonymous said...

Republicans calling Dems socialist, fascists, pedos and communists non-stop and then expect us to help them keep their Speaker is a pretty funny thing.

F McCarthy. F the Republican Party. Every last one of them.

Lynn Anderson said...

Nothing funny about it. I would not expect Democrats to help a Republican if they were dying on the street.