Thursday, May 4, 2023

The Injustice of Justice

Merrick Garland Infuriates all reasonable people with this one move

We have all seen the ridiculous sentences being handed down to pro-life advocates who have protested at abortion centers.

What happens when you actually deface property and assault someone if you are a pro-choice advocate or go after Catholics?

Apparently, nothing at all.
Give Him a Walk

Maeve Nota, the 31-year-old transgender, was caught vandalizing a church, destroying property, and even assaulting a staffer at a Catholic Church.

Some of the wonderful messages that Nota painted on the walls were “F— Catholics,” “rot in your fake hell,” “kid groomers,” and “woman haters.”

Initially, Nota was facing prosecution of a hate crime for having done more than $10,000 damage to the church, not no mention the assault charges.

Read what sentence she received

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The biggest injustice toward humanity is abortion and allowing us to kill innocent voiceless helpless babies in the womb it's a sin it's so inhumane and we say we live in a civilized world?