Thursday, February 9, 2023

DeSantis to send Illegals to Blue Cities

Ron DeSantis Sends Martha’s Vineyard Liberals Spinning

He Just Ordered Permanent Blue City Transport Program in FL House

Democrats were fine with ignoring the exploding border crisis until Florida Gov. Don DeSantis got involved. The Republican shook up the liberal establishment when he few fifty illegals to Martha’s Vineyard.

The elite liberals who lived on the rich island exposed their hypocrisy when they quickly bused the migrants off the island.

Biden and his Democrats had to scramble to cover their tracks after that. But the damage was done. More Americans are demanding answers to Biden’s open border as millions of illegals flood the country. Personally, I am not even sure that Democrats know what's going on at our border. If they do, then allowing the millions to enter our country illegally is tyranny.

And Democrats should be getting even more worried… because DeSantis is just getting started. From Fox News:
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is expected to use a special session this week to broaden the state’s migrant flight program…
Read about it...


Anonymous said...

I don't want my tax dollars going to some stupid program that's set up to own the libs. He's running a million dollar taxi service for people who shouldn't even be here...on my dime. Why? So he can smile and make fun of Dems. I'm tired of it. My insurance rates are sky high. Every time it rains it floods.

Spend money on Florida residents not on some program that is going to get his dumbest supporters yelling for joy.

Lynn Anderson said...

"his dumbest supporters yelling for joy." You are a Piece of work.
Ron DeSantis would do something about high insurance rates if he could.
Insurance companies can't get re-insurance. Florida's residential insurance providers experienced a net income loss of $1 billion due to mother nature and lawsuits. Many providers are leaving the state, and larger insurers like Geico and Progressive are canceling policies. A few reasons for this occurrence: forthcoming weather-related risks, insurance scams, and frivolous lawsuits. So we are lucky just to find a company that will insure us. Our building insurance is going skyhigh.

As far as sending illegals out of the state, that is a good thing. We don't want to spend anyone's hard earned tax dollars, especially yours, on illegals that cost our state over 5 billion a year.

Anonymous said...

They could do something about PIP!

Lynn Anderson said...

On March 7, the Legislature will be discussing it again.

Anonymous said...

He's not sending illegals "out of state." He's using millions of our tax money to transport them from Texas to a Democratic state.

Use the tens of millions of dollars to help Floridians with insurance.If he can spend $10 million on a taxi service, he can spend $20 million for taxpayers. Why is he doing this? Tell me.

Lynn Anderson said...

He WILL be sending illegals out of state. Please read the article. This comes as thousands of migrants land on Florida’s shores.

"This new program would send many of these illegals straight to rich liberals’ front doors. They will have a hard time ignoring the border crisis if DeSantis sends these outsiders to their backyards."

There is nothing in this article that says he will be transporting them from Texas.

Illegals, as said, cost us trillions in this country and 5 billion a year just in Florida alone.

What's wrong with you globalists?

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is a crime to be a Marxist: that said, there are few people who would qualify, or even be able to get through one paragraph of "Das Kapital".

As far as sending immigrants to other states, it is only a 24-hour bus ride for them to come right back to Florida, so I see it as only symbolism, rather than a solution.

If Mike Rowe is right, and I truly believe he is, we really do need the immigrants here. Somebody has to do the dirty jobs, and it ain't going to be American men.

Lynn Anderson said...

@1:10...It's not a crime, it's just totally un-American...transforming society into socialism and ultimately to communism is the philosophy of Marxism.
The only solution we have for illegals is to close our border and....get rid of Biden.

Dan Volker said...

We do not need or want ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS here. Period.
Mike Rowe ideas are not relevant to an illegal migrant invasion.

Also worth mentioning, the lower class and low end of the LEGAL American Working class are seeing jobs that SHOULD go to them, Taken/Stolen by illegal aliens. I see this firsthand in Lake Worth Florida every week--lines of illegal workers from Guatemala and parts of Central Florida that get construction jobs, roofing jobs and landscaping jobs that SHOULD a be going to legal American workers---and now these legal Americans will not have the work, and may well need to use unemployment funding.
With no illegals and no migrant invasion, if construction sites required more workers...the work that idiots think no American would do, soon enough the PAY SCALE for these jobs would and demand....and suddenly there would be American workers, even in these jobs the democratic socialists believe could only be done by illegals. This is sickening the way the Democrats are destroying the American Working Class.

Anonymous said...

The American working class, men, are completely demoralized. Either they have been duped by their mothers into thinking they would be doctors and other professionals, or they would be famous sports figures.

It's not my fault. I didn't create the situation, but I see it for what it is.

Years ago, you could make a million dollars in 10 years, selling car insurance. Life is hard now. You want a job in construction? Apply at Lindeman. See what the qualifications are. Maybe they will hire you.

What you need or want is gone. Just like the 10-cent cigar. Life in These United States is a dream of some far-off time.
Why aren't these legal Americans in line, if that is the system? Are they too proud, or afraid they will miss a day on the couch with social media.

Expectations in the US are too high to be satisfied making a living wage. Standing on a scaffold all day is not easy. And your wife works too. She cleans houses on the Island and takes care of children in her off hours.

And it all came about because we were willing to buy cheap Chinese goods.

Anonymous said...

"TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - The Florida House passed a bill Friday that would allow Florida to pick up and transport unauthorized migrants from anywhere in the U.S. The bill now heads to Gov. Ron DeSantis for his expected signature."

I'm so sick of people not knowing what is going on and they cheer the waste of our taxpayer money because they aren't informed. This is wrong. There are better things to do with millions of tax dollars than provide free rides to immigrants. It's disgusting and what's worse is that people are misinformed and have no earthly idea what is happening in our country.

Anonymous said...

While I agree with you, Dan, why do you want your state taxpayer money to pay for free rides for these people? You don't want them here but you're ready to give them rides across the country? $10 million dollars worth of free rides? Seriously?

Lynn Anderson said...

Did I not say illegals are costing our state $5 billion a year?
We are in the top 4 for ungodly costs for illegals that Biden is exacerbating because he won't do his job..

Lynn Anderson said... info.

Dan Volker said...

To anon@4:59
Let's pretend YOU are an illegal alien 😁. I would much rather pay for your plane ticket to NY CITY or Martha's Vineyard, than instead pay your rent, car and gas costs, and food for you over the next 5 year's...or even one year. I hope you see that the plane ticket is my least expensive option in dealing with YOU. It's not that I like the idea of paying for your ticket...its that supporting you for a year or more is vastly more expensive.
Most illegals will not contribute - they will demand food and housing, sooner or later. We know this. The liars up North know this as well and that is why they don't like this 😁😁😁.

Dan Volker said...

If you decided to meet most WORKING men in construction, they love their job. They like their work.Carpenters take pride in what they do as do Electricisns, plumbers, and pretty much all of them, with the exception of the losers that would be whining in any job.
It is a Marxist myth that American working class men are not happy.
The real sickness comes in when human rectums like Joe Biden cause millions of illegal laborers to waltz in and steal jobs by filling them at lower wages than our Ameruican workers would deem appropriate .

Anonymous said...

Most people in construction are laborers. Plumbers and electricians are licensed tradesmen, who may, or may not be in the Building Trades. There is not always plumbing or electrical work to do on a construction job, so then, they work on their own, with their millions of customers, who usually have to beg them to fix something, as they have so many calls, they don't know what to do. You don't just show up, and you're a plumber or electrician.

My favorite electrician said to me once: "When the Millionaires call us, we go. They do not call twice."

Obviously, you don't agree with Mike Rowe, so there is no point to continuing this discussion.

Dan Volker said...

I am not really sure how a former Opera Singer and TV Host on CNN, is going to really "connect" well and understand Laborers or construction workers in general.
I applaud him attempting to get Trades to be more mainstream, but his actual opinions are that of a 30 millionaire Actor....Once you live in the TV universe and interact in Hollywood, you no longer have a shot at credible understanding of the American working class. He might as well take his private jet and fly to Europe for the next Climate Event to scream about the use of Oil and gas.

The problem America has in working class construction is that it needs to pay more for laborers rather than allow jobs to use cheap or almost slave labor. And just watch the rich dems push for more illegals to become the new indentured servant class in construction!!!

Anonymous said...

They are here every day. They are not hung over, they are not stoned, and they do a good job. They start at 9:00 am, have lunch from 12 to 1, quit work at 4 pm.

Doesn't sound like slave labor to me.

To hear you tell it, there are a bunch of able-bodied men sitting around Dunkin Donuts, just wishing there were a job in construction for them to do.

I don't care if Mike Rowe was an Opera Singer, or ditch digger, he has the right of it, and you know it. Your position is indefensible, and everybody knows it.

Lynn Anderson said...

@3:41. They are illegals in our country. Is that something you don't understand?

Dan Volker said...

Illegal labor is illegal- both for the contractor AND for the illegal alien. I don't care how hard they work.
Then there are the managers/foremen that would be in a position to demand indentured servitude with the threat of ICE and deportation.And again- I only care about legal American workers here- I don't give a rats *ss about the welfare of illegal aliens as long as our people are out of work. We owe the illegals NOTHING.

Anonymous said...

The managers and foremen are all Spanish speaking, and I don't think these workers are illegal, but you are welcome to call Lindeman if you want to.

Dan Volker said...

Yikes!!! Anon@5:16
How in the h*all could you imagine I have a problem with LEGAL Hispanic heritage workers...Neither I nor any conservative I know is against use of legal workers from Central or South America. They are good workers and great family people.They are unrelated to illegals -- and in fact, I have spoken with many and these Legal Central American workers are intensely AGAINST the illegalsbeing aowef in with these invasions, -- they Always want the newcomers to go through the legal process they did.