Friday, December 10, 2021

Peters Sisters contemplating sale of 47 Properties

Sisters have offers

and they are mulling them over, many of which are in the City of Lake Worth Beach.

The deal, if they decide, could net them $40 million!

"City Commissioner Sarah Malega, who owns Zoo Health Club on Lake Avenue, hopes a buyer 'does not plan on land banking and just making the rents too high to where it's unattainable for small businesses to move in.'"

Read about it...


Dan Volker said...

Of all the issues the commissioners of Lake Worth Beach should be concentratiing on, few if any are as important to the long term health and viability of Lake Worth Beach ( economy and lifestyle) than the Miserable Failures of past commissioners to protect and support GOOD BUSINESSES for the Lake Worth Beach Downtown. They should have a list of the most important business types for our downtown to be prosperous and known for it's quality as an Entertainment District--and a list of the existing good and bad businesses we have presently....And, we should have someone LOOKING for the RIGHT businesses that we don't have, and should be contacting and making special offers to.

Just letting the same old cr*p keep happening is NOT Free Enterprise.---It is malfeasance. The people of Lake Worth should be up in arms over this, and pissed!

Anonymous said...

11.11 i hope you are not one of them looking.sounds like you think you know what needs to be brought in.first off it has to be adressed why are the businesses here leaving .GOOD OR BAD.THERE IS NO WAY making this an art town and surviving.

Anonymous said...

What are the right businesses? There is no room on Lake Avenue for any business, other than what's there. Other than Dixie Hwy, where can you put any kind of business that requires parking?

At this point in time, any grandiose ideas for thriving businesses in Lake Worth, are a fever dream. You see what happened to Starbucks. They do business, but everybody hates it, and its' basically God's waiting room for the homeless.

Anonymous said...

Besides Sarah, this is the "miserable failure" of commissioners.

Herman was the slow one on the previous commission, and with no change, he seems to be the brightest star. He was appointed VICE MAYOR! A man who cannot complete a full sentence is the smartest on the commission. No wonder Peters sisters are looking to leave.

Anonymous said...

Well, speak up Dan! What kind of business do you think could make in Lake Worth?

Lynn Anderson said...

I would like to see some businesses where people actually like to shop...I love Trinkets & Treasures as an example. I miss Halsey & Griffith that was run out of town years ago because of high rents. I miss Fountains Department store we used to have decades ago...I miss Rotellis. I also miss Morrison's Cafeteria (now that was a long time ago)!
Anyone else have any ideas?

Anonymous said...

instead of spending all this money going out of town for a city manager or how much to do the pool[you have a price do it]there are groups that can help find businesses that might want to come here