Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Jason Mariner for District 20

"PATRIOTS, Come One, Come All

With Jason Mariner we have an historic, once in a century opportunity to save CD20 from the very fate plaguing all other deep blue cities.

MAKE HISTORY! Join Jason Mariner in this parade of flags and sign adorned cars, trucks and vans honking through the northern leg of Congressional District 20.


WHERE: Meet at the Plaza, US Highway One and PGA Boulevard. We will meet at the North Westernmost part of the shopping center's parking lot.

Route begins and runs 34 miles through CD-20

Address: 11566-11710 US Highway One, North Palm Beach, FL 33408" [Republican Party of PB County]


Anonymous said...

What's next, a boat parade?

I knew you couldn't resist supporting him. I mean, all they have to have is an R after their name and swear their allegiance to Trump and you're their biggest fan.

If Ted Bundy were alive today, you would vote for him if he appeared in a photo wearing a MAGA hat.

One question is all your kind cares about: does he worship Trump?

Lynn Anderson said...

"What's next?" Hopefully defeating Democrats. It won't be in this District...way too one-sided.
However, you support Biden...what could possibly be worse for our country and the world? You worship evil? LOL
And speaking of Bundy, you guys are eating your own right now. What a silly comment...just shows how really dumb liberals are.
Publishing a flyer put out by the Republican Party of Palm Beach County doesn't cut it with you? Too bad. At least this guy is trying. He did better than Omari as he won his primary.

Anonymous said...

Trying what? To make fools of the Republicans.

The Republican Party of Palm Beach County must be a bunch of losers themselves, to support the likes of this crook.

Anonymous said...

Voting for anyone with a (D) after their name is a sign of stupidity.

I was (D) was I was younger and stupid. Very thankful I grew up and learned to support myself.

Lynn, Thank you for keeping the good news flowing. We need to ignore the dumb (D), for they haven't got a brain.

Anonymous said...

lol, anon.

You should have said Jack The Ripper. That's more like Lynn's era.

Lynn Anderson said...

@7:55pm...thought all you Democrats LOVED felons. In fact your DA's are letting them out of jail early. Look at California...not even prosecuting any property crime (theft) under $900. They walk.
Mariner reformed but you guys continue to support domestic terrorists such as Antifa and BLM. Such hypocrites.
The PB County REC could do much more for the party by recruiting good people to run...get proactive and kick the Democrat bums out of office.
P.s. Overall, in the state of Florida, we have registered more Republican voters than any other party.

Lynn Anderson said...

@10:43...age discrimination but looky here, you voted in a senile old man to be president of the free world.
Not that old...did not live in the 1800's.

Anonymous said...

look up how many dems and republicans were registered in florida when desantis was elected and the state went for trump. registration doesn't matter. it's who actually shows up to vote.

also boat parades and flags count for sheet.

you folks are slow learners.

Lynn Anderson said...

@7:31...And you are a serial harasser...having fun? We will take 2022. and watch all the boat parades, banners, MAGA hats, etc.
We are the only ones who want America First--certainly not you communists.

Anonymous said...

Why do you want to take the fall for these losers?

These people are going nowhere, and you're signing on to go with them.

Lynn Anderson said...

@5:02...Who is taking "the fall?"
This is a Republican and I put up the information.
Republicans so far are going no where in this County but as said, you lose 2022.