Saturday, December 11, 2021

Daddy Joe is going all-in with China

Biden’s list of China-friendly faces he wants in what will be a China-friendly regime continues to grow

By Duncan Smith
He’s not even hiding it anymore…

For years, reports from reputable news outlets and other sources have documented just how far up Beijing’s butt the Bidens are.

In more recent months, Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) and their staffs have issued reports detailing Hunter Biden’s lucrative ties to businesses in China linked to the ChiCom government (because all businesses in China have to be linked to the ChiCom government in order to survive and profit).

In September, Sen Rand Paul (R-Ky.) made a criminal referral to the [In]Justice Department regarding alleged illicit activities in China on the part of Hunter Biden (that so far hasn’t gone anywhere).

On the heels of the referral came bombshell revelations reported by the New York Post that included data retrieved from a laptop owned by Hunter Biden suggesting that he kicked back a portion of whatever he ‘earned’ from those China to daddy Joe.

Read about the Biden corruption and appointment of several staff with direct ties to China.

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