Sunday, December 12, 2021

Biden couldn't get his Supreme Court Commission to change a thing!

Supreme Court Commission Concludes, Sends Report to Brandon.

"Joe Biden formed the Supreme Court Commission and staffed it with 29 liberals and just 5 conservatives.

As it turned out, the commission couldn't come to a consensus on anything!

Our Supreme Court, Constitution and Democracy is saved!

For Now.
  • In Chapter 1, which outlines the historical context of the Supreme Court, the commission does not “attempt to resolve today’s debate according to a particular historical standard, but rather to offer[s] context for today’s discussions and to underscore that debates about Court reform are part and parcel of U.S. constitutional history and the development of the American political order.”
In Chapter 2, on altering the structure of the court through means including court expansion, the commission “takes no position on the validity or strength of these claims” because of “profound disagreement” among panel members.
  • In Chapter 3, which discusses term limits for Supreme Court members, the commission again does not take a position, but only “considers design questions that would have to be addressed were term limits to be adopted.”
  • In Chapter 4, on the issue of reducing the Supreme Court’s power, the commission wrote, “Without taking a position on the ultimate merits of such proposals, this Chapter aims to help inform the further debate about whether reforms would be worth pursuing.”
Read the article

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