Tuesday, November 16, 2021

"Your rules suck," says 8 year old to Palm Beach County School board

8-year-old with 38 mask-related suspensions gets roaring applause after confronting school board

An eight-year-old 2nd grader who lives in Palm Beach County spoke out about her rights, defying the Palm Beach County School Board's mask mandate.

So far, she has been suspended 38 times for failing to do as the adults tell her.

“I hope you all go to jail for doing this to me,” she said.

Read about it...

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Anonymous said...

no matter if our laws are right or wrong who gives an 8 year old the right to talk like this to adults.shame on the adults for thinking its funny.this is what our future looks like

Lynn Anderson said...

You don't think she has the right to speak out because she's a child? It's affecting her life...who better?

Anonymous said...

the kid is only mimicing adults around her.has no idea what is right or wrong.sure glad i dont have to go thru this kind of world

Anonymous said...

I am in complete agreement with you 12:22. The child has been coached to be rude, and obnoxious. I think it's child abuse. Let's see where the brat is in 10 years.

Anonymous said...

I give her a lot of credit. How many kids would be brave enough to speak in front of the school board or any government agency? Impressive.

Anonymous said...

She's just the other side of the coin of that Thunberg kid.

Anonymous said...

wonder if mommy told her what she says to news goes viral and stay there forever

Laurence said...

She was abused by the tyrannical policies of self important "educators" and misinformed politicians.
She kept up and exceeded her math proficiency level in spite of being kept out of class repeatedly.
The sheeple deny the strength of her free spirit and self worth.
God bless her strong example!

Anonymous said...

She has as much credibility as a Poll Parrot!

Anonymous said...

Math Proficiency! At 8 years old? In a Public School? Her teacher probably doesn't even have any math proficiency.