Monday, November 1, 2021

Whitehouse effort to influence Gen Z on Vaccine

The White House Humiliated After Epic Social Media Blunder

Joe Biden staffers inside the White House are furious after making a social media blunder.

"The White House sent out emails to TikTok influencers ignorantly believing that only liberals are popular on TikTok. The email offered money to encourage people to get vaccinated.

What you are about to see was paid for with your tax dollars, I repeat your tax dollars and this is not a joke. You’ll notice that White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki co-stars in the video with social media influencer Keith Edwards.

“They didn’t think those emails would get to ANYONE on the political right, super pissed. All tik tokers are supposed to be Gen Z / Millennial Left,” the anonymous official said." [fearandblood]

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