Thursday, June 10, 2021

Part of Biden's America Last Policy -- China First

Biden revokes Trump bans on TikTok and WeChat

In February 2019, the Federal Trade Commission fined TikTok $5.7 million for violating children’s privacy laws.

Then a few months later, the U.S. government reportedly began a national security review of TikTok, marking the first in a chain of events that led to Trump’s August executive order against the company. ByteDance still owns 80% of TikTok’s new, but confusing, agreement with “trusted technology partner” Oracle.

The China connection: President Joe Biden signed an executive order Wednesday revoking the Trump-era bans on TikTok and WeChat. In place of the Trump order, Biden will direct the commerce secretary to investigate apps with ties to foreign adversaries that may pose a risk to American data privacy or national security.

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