Tuesday, June 8, 2021

A Country without Borders cannot stand!

Biden’s DHS Flying Single Adult Male Border Crossers into U.S. Cities

A report detailing the Biden administration’s “lottery” migration policy, resulting in the mass release of border crossers into the U.S. interior, reveals that DHS is flying single male adult border crossers into the country in addition to Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) and adult border crossers arriving with children.

In one recent case, 15 single adult male border crossers were apprehended crossing the southern border, sent to a DHS facility, and then bused or put on domestic commercial flights into various U.S. cities.

 Our border is a highway of illegal immigrants. Crime increasing. 1400% increase of sexual offenders and border American citizens feel outrage as do we all. Biden is not enforcing the law. Our country is not secure. Impeach and save our country!


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