Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Cuban Defector WARNS President Trump Of Democrats Efforts

Yesterday, a member of my family called to say that what happened in Cuba is exactly what now is happening in America. His father was thrown in jail there for not embracing communism. We see what is happening all across our country in liberal cities and states with Democrat mayors and governors.

The only way to save our country is to re-elect President Trump. That's a fact.


Anonymous said...

I have always been onboard but after watching that entire "speech" in the Rose Garden yesterday, I'm worried. People are dying and he seems lost. I'm not just worried I'm scared.

Lynn Anderson said...

Instead of watching it, you should have been listening to what he said. He touched on so many things he has accomplished and will continue to do so. It’s capitalism vs socialism. Pretty easy choice here

Anonymous said...

It must be some liberal troll at 4:35. People are dying in car accidents. Putz

Anonymous said...

4:35 seems lost..stay lost, maybe you'll find Biden's campaign.

Anonymous said...

Boy, there's news! People are dying! Let's try to keep everyone alive forever.

Lynn Anderson said...

@9:23--Let's try and find your brain.

Anonymous said...

Hey, 4:35, this is a conservative blog and we're only interested if Biden is showing signs of being lost, not Trump. Just to be clear, we make fun of Biden, not Trump because it's capitalism not socialism.

Has everyone bought their beans? Go Goya!