Sunday, April 7, 2019

Unplanned Trailer

Pro-Life Movie DOMINATES The Box Office After Being Censored On Social Media


Anonymous said...

Fake news.

Every single post you put up is BS, Lynn. It's absolutely amazing that you actually believe that you're giving your readers that truth.

Every single post you're lying. You're the incarnation of Fake News.

Lynn Anderson said...

It's impossible to respond to people who approve of killing babies. Take a hike.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we must applaud people making a movie like this. Abortion and the Death Penalty are both forms of murder and wrong. It must stop. Donate to Preborn and 40daysforlife. Both help to protest against abortion, we pray.

The dems are very illogical, abortion is murder of an innocent child, helpless and innocent, yet they think it is ok to abort them. Yet the same dems fight to end the death penalty, go figure, fighting to stop the death penalty for people who have killed someone, yet want to allow abortion, the murder of an innocent helpless baby inside of someone, someone alive, a life.

The dems are completely out of wack with their logic, they have none.

Abortion is murder plain and simple, wrong. I love the movie and the new song by Matthew West with the same name, both fighting to say abortion is wrong and hurting innocent babies.

Please pray to end abortion and the death penalty. It is not the place for humans to decide who can take a life, that is only up to GOD! Please pray to end abortion, go to the 40 days for life event in front of the abortion clinic on 45th Street, pray, say the rosary, pray to end abortions.

Claire said...

I've never heard of this movie and the the listings say it's way down on the list of top is it dominating?

Lynn Anderson said...

10:30--according to Democrats, this movie wasn't supposed to make a dime. It cost them around $6 mil to make and after the first 4 days it had made over $12 mil. It was #4 when it came out.
No, it's not going to be a Star Wars but it has made some inroads into the Democrat narrative of killing babies being A-OK.

Anonymous said...

Until abortion is deemed illegal, it will be the Supreme Court of the United States' narrative that "killing babies is okay."

But I'm curious, Lynn, are you for the death penalty?

Anonymous said...

Going inside a "Mother" to kill and then rip out a living organism as a "choice" is barbaric. What ever you want to call the unborn, a fetus, a baby, a human being.

There are probably circumstances where it is the right thing to do and it still is killing a living organism. But not just a whim.

Yes, you can do anything you want with "your" body as long as what you do to your body doesn't hurt anyone else. Then you have to take into consideration the other human being. Whether it can defend itself or not.

Lynn Anderson said...

@10:27. Comparing the life of an innocent baby to someone who has received the death penalty for an evil, inhumane, hideous crime is comparing night and day. I go through stages on the death penalty question but I realize it is a liberal's narrative to try and prove hypocrisy against all people who are against killing babies. Doesn't work. We, as a society, have an obligation to protect the innocent.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lynn for standing up against abortion! It is murder of the worst kind to an innocent helpless being inside someone else. The death penalty is wrong too. ironic how so many dems support abortion, yet do not support the death penalty, where is the logic here?

Anonymous said...

Good response, Lynn. Liberals like to make uneducated comparisons.

Anonymous said...

Hypocrisy is the new irony.

Anonymous said...

Man, that "All Lives Matter" saying y'all like took a hard fall in this comment thread.

Anonymous said...

3:25. What? Are you posting from Brogues?