Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Tonight's Commission Meetings

1.  Special Meeting at 5:30pm
  • Herman Robinson takes the oath of office

2.  Regular City Commission Meeting at 6pm
  • There is one presentation by the principal of Highland Elementary.
  • 10 items on the Consent Agenda
  • PUBLIC HEARINGS:  Ordinance 2019-4 2nd Reading LDR's.

I visited City Hall yesterday and at 9:45am no one was manning the receptionist desk. I attempted to open the door at the city clerk's office and discovered it is now being locked at all times per orders of Assistant City Manager. It will be up to the clerk's office whether they want to open the door for your ingress or not. If they don't know you, they don't have to open the door.

Everything is tight as a drum down there and right now the public can't even get an agenda automatically sent by e-mail unless you are on the city clerk's preferred distribution list which consists of city employees and neighborhood association presidents. None of this agenda information is on their web-site as they are in the process of designing a new site.


Anonymous said...

How many things on Consent?

Lynn Anderson said...

9 items on Consent.
NO Unfinished Business
NO New Business

No reason to even attend this meeting other than to honor Herman.

Anonymous said...

Care about the residents? pfff