"The biggest problem in America is that politics has become a 'blame
game'. The sole objective is scoring points, not solving problems.
Rudeness has replaced civility in our political discourse. Too many
people love their Party more than their Country."
Sid Dinerstein
Former Chair of the Republican Party of Palm Beach County
Photo from the REC Meeting 4-10-19
Listen to his words, Lynn.
Try to live by them.
Lotsa love.
A little bit of trivia--Dinerstein stepped down at the end of 2012. He had been in the chair position for 10 years. It is a difficult job in a predominately Democrat county to get Republicans registered and elected. Right now we only have 40.2% registered Republicans compared to the total of Republicans and Democrat registered voters.
His message was for primarily Democrats who fight, whine and scream about everything going. You listen.
And---find a solution to the border crisis.
Everyone should be engaged and understand the issues and that goes for 11:19 who i guess does not agree with this conservative site. I would suppose he is a sheep, not a human.
I simply asked that it might be helpful that Lynn listen to these words and, ironically, I get attacked.
I won't call anyone any names, but just urge that we consider what this Republican said. It applies to Democrats as much as it does Republicans.
Happy Friday, everyone! A wonderful weekend is on tap for everyone. Take a walk around the lake...watch the planes as they fly over. Enjoy this beautiful life.
What's "ironic" about it. You were being a wise azz
I always have to question the sincerity of someone who patronizes me with soothing words and phrases: words like-take a walk around the lake, or enjoy the beautiful day. It makes me think they must be taking some kind of a mood enhancer drug: Miltown, or something like that from back in the day. Who is so sanguine that they can just forget about the starving hungry tortured people all over this world and just mouth phrases like Enjoy the Day. Here's a phrase for you 6:28:
Is Sid color blind? Who dressed him this morning, his mom? Sid baby get to Thrift World and pick up some clothes.
He should be wearing Trump socks. :)
Sid is a loser!
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