Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Audacity of if all


Anonymous said...

Wait! Did he throw ice on anyone?

Anonymous said...

HaHa . Good one!

Anonymous said...

Drinking in itself isn’t the issue. If he drank as heavy as his friends have claimed then it is very likely there are things he did while drunk that he doesn’t remember. Things such as assaulting Dr Ford. Obama was never accused of getting drink or high and assaulting someone.

Anonymous said...

The key word here is accused. An accusation without proof or any meaning is suspect of fraud. "Dr" Ford should now be investigated. There was no assault. Obama trying drugs enthusiastically is way more disturbing.

Anonymous said...

I think "Dr" Ford drank heavily. Obama wasn't accused by any agenda group but we can't possibly know what he did enthusiastically taking drugs.

Anonymous said...

6:53pm if you witnessed anything go testify at the banana republic trial of Kavanaugh. Protect the right to abort and sell baby parts.