Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Fox Business Pulls a Lou Dobbs Episode

(Washington Examiner) – "Fox Business on Sunday said it pulled an episode of “Lou Dobbs Tonight” that contained what critics said was anti-Semitic sentiment just a day after a gunman killed 11 people in a synagogue in Pittsburgh.

In the segment, Judicial Watch official Chris Farrell claimed a Central American migrant caravan moving towards the U.S. southern border is being funded by the “Soros-occupied State Department.” Farrell was referencing George Soros, a Jewish billionaire and political activist who routinely funds Democratic candidates and initiatives.

We condemn the rhetoric by the guest on Lou Dobbs Tonight. This episode was a repeat which has now been pulled from all future airings,” Fox Business senior vice president of programming Gary Schreier said in a statement.

Fox must be afraid of George Soros. I guess the Fox Business News show is not fair and balanced. All day long I have to listen to those liberal twits they hire on Fox just to drive every sane person crazy.


Anonymous said...

"I guess the Fox Business News show is not fair and balanced."

I'm guessing they're not ant-Semitic which, actually, is a refreshing development for the Republican News Channel.

Lynn Anderson said...

Did you just say that Fox is a Republican News Channel and that they don't like Jews? What are you saying exactly?
Trump's son-in-law is Jewish; his daughter converted and is Jewish, his grandkids are Jewish.

Anonymous said...

"Trump's son-in-law is Jewish; his daughter converted and is Jewish, his grandkids are Jewish."

I'm not saying they're anti-Semitic. I'm just saying anti-Semites like them.

Anonymous said...

No one is calling Trump anti Semitic why are you so defensive?