Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Having a little brew

And he wasn't even in high school or college!!--


Steve said...

What does this even mean???

Anonymous said...

On one of those vapid news shows this morning (where the women compete to show the most crossed leg and wear the highest heels and the token man is a eunuch) Hypocrite Chelsea Clinton was interviewed saying women must be believed. How about Juanita Broderick?

Anonymous said...

The questioning about beer drinking is laughable. The majority of kids drink it in High School,College and beyond.Breweries are the latest thing
Why isn't Dr Fraud questioned about what psychiatric drugs she's on?

Anonymous said...

The questioning about beer drinking is laughable. The majority of kids drink it in High School,College and beyond.Breweries are the latest thing
Why isn't Dr Fraud questioned about what psychiatric drugs she's on?

Anonymous said...

Right! Women are to be equal but put on a pedestal.Remember the Virginia Slims ad?