Monday, September 3, 2018

Who are the REAL haters today?


Anonymous said...

I remember when Republicans were totally against Hannity boycotting Keurig coffee machines.

Oh and remember when Republicans came out against the boycott of Starbucks because they support immigrants?

And remember when Republicans totally supported Macy's when they didn't bring back Trump's clothing line?

Can't forget supporting the NFL because they believe in free speech and Colin Kaepernik.

At least you guys are consistent and so pro-business!

Anonymous said...

The Republicans did not not do this boycott. The loony Left did. And I do not include all Democrats in this category. (There are still a few sane Democrats hanging around.But why they still call themselves Democrats is beyond me.) The boycott has failed magnificently.If I owned a business ,I think that I would ASK the leftist Loonies to boycott me!

Anonymous said...

"The Republicans did not not do this boycott. The loony Left did."

Yep. And your point?

Anonymous said...

I love this video. at the end when Varney asks who the real haters are in
America today, Meghan Mccain's face comes up. too funny.

Unknown said...

Give me a WhataBurger anyday.

Anonymous said...

I always know they're spot on when you read 'em and delete 'em.

<--- :) ---->

Lynn Anderson said...

That's the trouble with you lying Democrats--you always want to tell everyone how much you know--which is not much, incidentally.
I will continue to delete your trash.