Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Great Awakening - Forces of Good and Evil


Anonymous said...

I knew it!!!! You’re a Q!!!!


Weetha Peebull said...

OMG I am in tears! I make sense for the 1st time!
I have been seeing evil and talking about the 'plan'.
I sold and left LW when I saw they were 'scoring points for evil'!

I've been connecting these 'dots' for years and so sorry I was
completely overwhelmed and unable to communicate what I was seeing.

I apologize!

What this doesn't cover is about the children, Do you know how many
kids go missing every year? When that comes out I fear some of my
dearest friends are gonna lose it - literally! This
crosses every political, social and religious line.

AODC (Age Old Divide and Conquer) has been brainwashed into US and
the whole world! Read up on cognitive dissonance then listen to this:

Trance Formation of America
Cathy O'Brien couldn't take her case to court for reasons of national security.