“Despite substantial evidence of voter fraud, many states have refused
to provide the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity
with basic information relevant to its inquiry. Rather than engage in
endless legal battles at taxpayer expense, today I signed an executive
order to dissolve the Commission, and have asked the Department of
Homeland Security to review these issues and determine the next courses
of action.”
President Donald J. Trump
You can be assured that if Democrats believed that fraud had been committed against their candidate, the states would have cooperated.
You know that plenty of "red states" also joined in and refused to release their data.
Of course you do.
That's true. Twenty-six states said they plan to only hand over only what is deemed public information by their respective state laws. We'll see what happens next. But I still say that Democrats would not have been so vehemently against this if Hillary had requested it. When you have states allowing illegals to vote like California, this is criminal IMO.
What Steve Bannon got to say about it?
Hillary wouldn't have requested it because she, like anyone with anything between their two ears, knows that, while small-scale voter fraud happens every now and then (and by a mix of people and parties), it isn't rampant, significant or likely to turn an election.
Oh, I know Alex Jones and the Powdered Wig probably disagree but facts and stats are just that.
And illegals have been allowed to vote in local and city elections. There is NO evidence, NONE, that they've been allowed to vote in national elections. Anywhere.
This was a bipartisan protest against an unfair and possibly illegal Trump Administration effort. Trump formed the group to satisfy and energize the extremist right wing of the party.
2017 study from a non-partisan group that debunks voter fraud: https://www.brennancenter.org/analysis/debunking-voter-fraud-myth
Read something. Learn something.
I love awakening to the alt-Left--
The National Commission on Federal Election Reform has stated, the problem “is not the magnitude of voter fraud. In close or disputed elections, and there are many, a small amount of fraud could make the margin of difference.” The U.S. Supreme Court has concurred with this assessment, noting that known instances of fraud “demonstrate that not only is the risk of voter fraud real but that it could affect the outcome of a close election.”
Check out the Heritage Foundation and see what they have to say about it.
If by "alt-left" you mean fact-based then, yep, I'm alt-left.
The Brennan Center link that I provided is a nonpartisan group that has determined that voter fraud is a non-issue.
The Heritage Foundation is a highly partisan conservative think tank that pays Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity millions of dollars in sponsorship fees so, sure, they think election fraud is real. No surprise there.
Speaking of facts and alt-stuff, any update on those arrests in Alabama that you highlighted and defended during the Moore debacle?
You use your sources and I will use mine.
Actually it's funded by George Soros.
Whenever a liberal labels an organization "non partisan," consider yourself duly alerted that it is nothing of the kind
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