Thursday, January 19, 2017

A Veteran's letter to Obama on Bradley Manning


Anonymous said...

When vets criticize one president for something like this and then vote for the one who said that he didn't think a Vietnam POW is a war hero, it don't mean a damn thing.

Anonymous said...

He would not have released this war criminal if Clinton had been elected, nor the hundreds of dirtbags he released from prison to create a nasty mess for our citizens and law enforcement. It amounts to a tantrum and shows at last what we knew, Obama despises this country where he has had every comfort and opportunity. This hatred may have been ingrained early in Indonesia. That was a huge red flag.

Lynn Anderson said...

John McCain was captured and held prisoner for 6 years. He was a graduate of the US Naval Academy and became a hero for enduring torture by the North Vietnamese.

Anonymous said...

The Dems HATE Julian Assange of WIKI Leaks for what he did in the election. The only reason Obama did this was Assange's promise to turn himself in if Manning's sentence was overturned.

Lynn Anderson said...

I'm not sure about that being Obama's only reason. The Democrats loved Wikileaks when their leaks went against Bush.