Saturday, January 21, 2017

ISIS bombed by US military

In the final days of his presidency, our top generals finally got their way and began carrying out missions to meet the goals of the incoming 45th president of the United States!


Anonymous said...

LOL. They've been doing it for years.

Hey, the sun rose this morning. Praise, Don!

Anonymous said...

What does Obama have to show for eight years of fighting on so many fronts? Terrorism has spread, no wars have been “won” and the Middle East is consumed by more chaos and divisions than when candidate Barack Obama declared his opposition to the invasion of Iraq

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm glad you asked.

- OBL is dead.

-2 days ago, B2 bombers killed 100 ISIS terrorists in Libya.

- "...the Obama administration, coalition forces have killed more than 26,000 Islamic State fighters in Iraq and Syria, according to an official estimate reported by CNN in March."

There's more, of course, that can be found on Google if you want. Also, there's something called 9/11 that didn't occur during the Obama years.

But let's see how Trump fares. He's managed to turn 50% of Americans and the entire world (except Putin) against him. Sure, he has Fox News and folks like Lynn ignoring all the mistakes and broken promises but I have a feeling there will be more....much more.

Anonymous said...

Yes 8:32am the cloud called Obama is gone

Anonymous said...

12:39pm if you want our president to fail you want the US to fail. Admit your candidate lost and support our country, it's for your benefit too.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 4:19...better go tell Rush Limbaugh that.

Y'all have the memories of gnats.

Anonymous said...

So glad not to see the Clinton's back in power it is time for them to fade out.