Sunday, January 22, 2017

Nasty Michelle

The world never really got to know Michelle Obama or the Obama girls. I never thought she was a friendly or likeable first lady. Child obesity was her cause. From time to time there were photo ops of her exercise classes for little kids. It was the moms she should have been preaching to. Also it is said that she supported veterans and bolstered the place of women and girls in foreign countries. I never saw any of this. Perhaps she lost sight of American women with close to 50 million of them in poverty. Her "nasties" showed up in Washington D.C. yesterday, over 500,000 of them it is said.  The only thing we know is that the world is more violent today and certainly a whole lot nastier.


Anonymous said...

She's standing awfully close to that perv Bill Clinton. I wouldn't.

Francis said...

Thank God she's gone.

Please stop putting her on your excellent blog so we can forget her.

Anonymous said...

Caption for photo: Is it in yet?