Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Send a Brick to Congress

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You want to send a brick to Congress telling them to Build that Wall? Click here


Anonymous said...

So now your raising money for the tea party?good luck with that... I thought Trump was gonna MAKE Mexico pay for the wall. So what is the tea party going to do with he money they raise?

Lynn Anderson said...

No, that's not it at all, anonymous. This group, like any other, is raising awareness. They say, since when do the American people have to kowtower to foreign nationals bursting into America, urinating on our flag, and threatening Presidential candidates with assassination? Enough is enough! they will use the money for conservative causes to make America great again.

Anonymous said...

No thank you, this group does not represent my more mainsteam and centrist republican position

Anonymous said...

Well it looks like the first brick to hit Congress square in the head just claimed its first Trump casualty.

Yep, Tea Party favorite, NC incumbent Representative Renee Ellmers lost her primary race last night. She was the ONLY candidate who gained Trump's ringing endorsement. Seems true conservative believe she has lost her way in following Trump. And the conservative voters in Notth Carolina agree, tossing Rep Ellmers out on her ass in her primary against a newcomer.

So is Ttump the new secret weapon of the Democratic Party in taking back the House and Senate?

Stay tuned to watch this slow motion failure unfold before us in what promises to be a most ugly run up to the national election.

I just can't wait to see the debacle of Trumps racist rants as he attempts to divide the nation with divisive, unproductive slurs against all Americans. The man is crazy, he is a fraud, he is a bigot, he is a tacist, he is a flip flopper, certainly not not a true conservative, he is very dangerous and certainly someone I can not fathom as my President.

So far the raw votes Clinton received 15.3 million votes v trumps 13,9 million votes. The classic definition of a narcissist, Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to be president of the United States. And with no true conservative available to carry the mantle, the Republicans are faced with not only losing in November but may have lost the White House for the next decade to come.

Lynn Anderson said...

The only person unfit to be president in this race is Hillary Clinton.

Trump, although not politically correct, is the only one who tells the truth.

Hopefully, he will "take Hillary out" just like he did 16 Republican candidates before him. People are sick of Washington, the state of our economy, lack of jobs and the libs literally giving away our country to every loser who comes down the pike or crosses our borders illegally.

Lynn Anderson said...

OK--just read up on her--now I understand what happened to her.
Not only was it the re-districting but she voted for budgets that included spending increases, supported raising the debt ceiling and worked to re-authorize the Export-Import Bank that conservative groups believed was akin to corporate welfare. Big money including Koch, went after her. She never had a chance with conservatives. The Tea-party turned against her and dropped her.

So, don't get your panties in a wad. :)

Anonymous said...

in the general election clinton will win---republicans won mid term because 63% of america didn't vote

Lynn Anderson said...

The Open Border people are winning. Washington is not enforcing our borders right now. Why is that?
Nothing will surprise me about the November election. Socialism is on the rise over common sense. 50% of the voters love liars and a big percentage of them are into free stuff.